The Temptations of the world – and your Children


The Temptations of the world – and your Children

by Rita Davidson


I was having a conversation with a friend the other day, and she said with great frustration, “why do Amish kids obey their mother, are so polite, and dress modest when we have Catholic children that argue and disobey us?”

That is a big question, I thought! Amish,  I have nothing against them personally, I actually have admired them from afar for many years. It is tempting to look at a community that is on the surface practicing virtues that Catholics today either forget or fight against.

I told her, “Amish are useful as friends if we can use them as a stepping stone with your children to discuss how they do not have the true faith.”

Now we all know how difficult it is to find good friends for our children. Depending on your parish you may be okay or you may be quite deficient in them. Once kids get to be teens all they have on their mind are friends.

St Frances de Sales says, “That honey is best which is culled from the choicest flowers, and so friendship built upon the highest and purest intercommunion is the best.1

Friendships are important for our children, I know this only too well.  But ‘good’ friendships are the key here. Good or bad friends can make or break a child.

“…in the world those who aim at a devout life require to be united one with another by a holy friendship, which excites, stimulates and encourages them in well-doing.” St Frances de Sales. 2

“Why don’t we just become Amish, it would be better if my child became Amish, than, fall into the world.” she said.

At first this seems like a good idea. After all, the Amish are devout, patient, modest, charitable, hard-workers and more. What more could we ask for if our child grew up with all those virtues? Don’t everyone run at once! J

The problem is our children would have to ‘leave the true faith’ for something that is less. Something that is not true.

What we see are the external virtues of the Amish. And those external virtues can be deceiving. They seem better, than falling into the world. But, the danger is, it’s actually too nice NOT to leave.


Falling into the world

The problem is the world is harsh, and often a child will end up there. But God orchestrates this plan well. Some children need to hit reality when they go astray. The world will bite them when they get out there. And it is only this reality that will send them BACK to the one true faith that they grew up with. For this we pray, don’t we?

Do you have fallen away children as well? Your heart aches for them every day? They are messed up somehow in the world, and it breaks your heart?

The world is bad, yeah. I was a single mother at 18. What did I do to get there? Yup, the world bit me and I horrified my poor parents. But that was the start that brought me back to the church, back to where I am now.

If you have children that have fallen into the world, do NOT give up! God has a plan for them, far beyond what you can even imagine (what I can even imagine!) so just keep praying and praying and trusting. For as long as you have breath in your heart you must pray for them. Ignore how badly it all looks on the surface.

For those with young children, cultivate good friendships for them. Watch out for them and pray for them. We are bringing up our children to be SAINTS! Let us not forget that goal! Do not let anything take them away from that path, but when you do all you can and see them going astray, just keep praying. God might have a different path beyond what you can see for them.

Here is a beautiful prayer shared with me by my dear friend, Karla. (“Hi Karla!!” J Karla is a beautiful, mom of eight, with two beautiful children in religious life! This is the prayer she used for them and I am sharing with you in hopes it will be a blessing to your family! Let us fill the world with Catholic saints and turn back the tide of this growing darkness!


With love,

Rita Xo 🙂

©Copyright 2014 Rita Davidson  All Rights Reserved.



  1. Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Frances to Sales
  2. Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Frances de Sales

IMG_0905Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!



4 responses to “The Temptations of the world – and your Children”

  1. Dina Avatar

    Hey Rita,

    This touched my heart. Thanks for sharing the prayer it is lovely.
    I will be praying it!

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Beautiful isn’t it Dina?
      I’m so glad you got a chance to read this too.
      God bless you!
      Rita Xo:)
      Author: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more…

  2. Joyce Avatar

    I enjoyed reading this as I do all of your posts Rita, and I would like to comment and share.
    I believe the reason most children stray from the Catholic Faith is because they didn’t have two parents that were DEEPLY IN LOVE with THE CATHOLIC FAITH (the authentic teachings, that is, not the modernistic errors that so many of even our own parents bought into) themselves to begin with and therefore couldn’t pass it on to their children from the moment of their children’s conception. So consequently, when and “IF” the parent or parents have a change of heart which deepens their Catholic Faith later on, and the children are getting a little older, or Adults, it is much more challenging and difficult, if not nearly impossible, to give them the Faith and this sometimes causes them to resent, protest and yes, eventually leave the Faith and maybe not leave but at least ignore it altogether.
    I truly believe that the EARLIER we teach and show our children what it is to be TRULY CATHOLIC, they DON’T STRAY…….they grow into mature good holy adults, parents, or religious, continuing to pass on the Catholic Faith by their words and actions. Although the world will tempt them, they will be better equipped SPIRITUALLY to fight the good fight.
    I can see this from the family I grew up in, my sibs and friends families and my own…….I can honestly say with regret, there isn’t one son a traditional priest or daughter a traditional religious sister in our midst, but PLENTY who got pregnant out of wedlock, couples who did or are living together, oodles of mixed marriages, broken homes, separations, pagan children, ignorance of The Faith, etc.
    Ultimately, I believe it comes down to each individual and to the extent they LOVE THE CATHOLIC FAITH, to know they MUST keep learning and instill the Faith faithfully and diligently in themselves, their family, friends and their children!

    God Bless
    – Joyce

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you for your comments Joyce,
      It is true that a faithful couple that needs to lead the family in unity.
      But, we have to realize there is no ‘perfect’ family and the devil works full time to ensure that. So, we have to find ways to make this work even if one parent is not exactly on board with us. Take those Saints that had pagan parents and such? What is to account for that? Parents that fought against their faith yet they died for the faith or became great saints. I think God picks who He will and we must never assume we are favored. It takes much prayer, never ceasing to always know God’s will and to always strive for it no matter the cost. Families today are getting hit from every side and so takes special devotions to keep that darkness from overtaking them.
      God bless you Joyce for keeping the faith!
      With love,
      Rita 🙂
      Author: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more … !

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