Welcome to Beautiful Modest You I help Catholic moms find their beautiful modest self so they can save time and money serving their families, even if they struggle with style.
So EXCITED you found us – are you?
I am Rita, a writer & researcher – turned Custom Color Consultant. This is my blog –
I understand how moms who love modesty, struggle with their own personal style, feeling awkward and uncomfortable in their own clothes. With the immense struggles today for our children’s souls we are weary from the battle. With the growing evils in the world, our own beautiful modesty seems last of importance. But at this juncture in history it is the one thing we can control in these days of growing evils. And it is the one thing that will make a difference in our family.
“I am blessed by your daily meditations. Thank God for the graces He gives us!”Kate
“Love your interpretation, Truly Traditional, Too bad you aren’t a Catechists Teacher! We could use more with your knowledge and wisdom!”Joyce
“Your writing inspires me, warms me. And makes my toes feel like something “is stepping on them”! This is a wake-up call to me to do better – to live my Roman Catholic Faith more fully. Thank you!”Deborah
As a Color Consultant, Hairdresser and Make up Pro, I understand the beauty we all crave and the balance we desperately need. I’ve been researching beautiful modesty since 1999 and counseling families to make it work in today’s world – so as mothers we can do our part in restoring the Church by our love of beautiful modesty! Mastering our own feminine and beautiful modesty is our silent war against feminism today that wishes to tear down everything sacred. Join us today in this silent war where we battle in Our Lady’s army striving for our our salvation and our beautiful modest legacy.
The Modesty Lectures – a step by step plan to help you find your Beautiful Modest self so that you will look and feel beautiful and save time and money shopping for clothes.

“Hi Rita, I’m absolutely loving the course. It’s really helping me to understand modesty and also the importance of beautiful modesty. To go beyond the drab.”
” I have learned so much from The Modesty Lectures! Modesty is a great virtue to be practiced daily! I loved learning the history of modesty and fashion throughout the last hundred years! I especially loved learning exactly what the church teaches on modesty. Rita will help guide you through how to dress beautifully modest and don’t forget to add color to your wardrobe!”
