1. WORK like EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON YOU – That means get your hand sanitizer, get your masks out, stay home as much as you can, only going out for necessities, WASH those groceries YES!
2. PRAY like EVERYTHING depends ON GOD – well because it DOES doesn’t it? So much worry about this virus is all because we are forgetting God in this equation!
He is IN control.
HE is allowing this for our own good.
YES this is the chastisement the world deserves right now.
But that is okay. Because God also loves to do the WILL of those that LOVE HIM. And you DO love Him don’t you? Well then, what do you have to worry about? 🙂
3. LASTLY. REMEDIES: We have an arsenal of remedies and natural things we can do to minimize our risk. That means taking immune stimulating vitamins like Vitamin C and D a, getting out in the sunshine and reducing sugar and alcohol intake. Elderberry syrup (that you can make yourself, is also good. We have been using alot of homeopathy the last few years and have had great success with that. Use what you have to STAY out of HOSPITAL.
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