A Modesty Lesson – with a Twist!


A  Modesty Lesson – with a Twist!

By Rita Davidson

This is a Modesty Lesson with a Twist! Some people are amazed when I say it’s been 17 years since I’ve worn a pair of pants. In fact, I haven’t even owned a pair all that time. When I wrote my book, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” I had been wearing skirts for 2 years at that point. I”m proof that it’s POSSIBLE! I started writing on Ash Wednesday, 1999 and finished by Easter 1999! I have Our Lady to thank for helping me with it, since it always amazes me to re-read it. It was published in 2001, and again in 2003 before it ran out of print in 2012. People on my Facebook page this week were fighting over a borrowed copy. Well, I shouldn’t say, fighting, these ladies are too nice for that…let’s just say super-excited about getting to borrow a copy. Which makes me wonder, Should “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” be reprinted? Even if I could? Give me your thoughts on this below.

Today I have a small lesson to share. Let’s take a look at my week. Pay close attention to these pictures, as they have a hidden lesson. (There will be a test after! LOL )

2014-05-26 13.54.24Monday: We had a surprise nature hike! A visit to our mechanic to change winter tires and we found ourselves walking on a trail, and spotting frogs in ponds. It was a real treat! Here I’m making sure the boys don’t lean over too far. (It’s hard to see, but that’s an open crevice there).  My skirt was plenty wide to get down and dirty! 🙂

2014-05-27 16.55.10-2Tuesday: Here Liam and I are ‘waving’ to everyone. A quick pose before we left, he’s always happy to smile for the camera. Today reached 95F…. I’m melting…:)

2014-05-28 12.53.33Wednesday: Mark and I were talking outside. So much to discuss with our future plans for our house, we are lucky to find 5 minutes to talk about it. I’m sitting on trees that got damaged in our fire, and we had to cut down after. Look at those hands going, must be the french in me? eh?  LOL

2014-05-24 18.42.31Thursday: In the kitchen, nothing like my old kitchen before the fire, but it’s a kitchen! Wouldn’t be without an apron. Now if I could only remember it more often, I’d use less stain remover in the laundry! 🙂

2014-05-29 13.30.51Friday: Okay I know, I know…what is she DOING, you ask? Well, I DID share all these pics on my Facebook page already (no one de-friended me yet?) 🙂 I was just having some fun here, giving everyone a big ‘hug’ from me! Can you feel the love? LOL 🙂 

2014-05-30 12.22.25-2Saturday:  Liam, my sidekick, and me again. Temperatures are rising here and this turned out to be a tiring day. Life with autism, living in 600 square feet for the 6 of us, is a challenge. Stressful to be sure. I was trying to relax here. 🙂

Most of these clothes were either given to me after the fire,  or purchased used. Even my Clark sandles were a free find at our recycle trailer. Did you notice anything in these pictures? Anything at all? Were you paying attention? Perhaps you need to look through them again? Go ahead, I’ll wait…

Did you notice? Well, if you take a close look, I’m wearing the same skirt in all, but one, of these pictures. You couldn’t tell could you?! I purposely wore the same skirt all week, to prove even YOU couldn’t tell. Why? To PROVE to you, even if you only have ONE SKIRT you CAN dress modestly, wearing it everyday if needed. No one I met all week; noticed I had the same skirt on. Mixing and matching some tops was all that was needed.

So if your sitting on the fence, not sure what to do with your ONE SKIRT, here is your challenge! As long as you have a variety of coordinating tops you’ll do just fine! Try it, I dare you! And have FUN with it!
Then send me YOUR pictures wearing the SAME skirt for a week, I want to see them!  (even if you get only 3 days in) I want to see how you change them up and coordinate them and maybe I’ll even share them here with everyone? Imagine, how encouraged everyone will be to see the creativity of other women and the courage they have to send in pictures too?

We’ll call this the “one Skirt Challenge”, are you UP for it? 🙂

God bless you and Mary keep you!

with love,

Rita Xo 🙂

©Copyright 2014  Rita Davidson   All Rights Reserved.

IMG_0905Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!


13 responses to “A Modesty Lesson – with a Twist!”

  1. Debbie Avatar

    I vote for a re-printing of your book.

  2. Deborah Avatar

    I say re print the book, it sure is needed in this day and age, and yes you can wear the same skirt and no one notices. 🙂

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Aww thanks Deborah!
      So glad you want to see it in print again too!
      And yes, one skirt can do more than we think! 🙂
      God bless you!
      With love,
      Rita 🙂
      Author: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more…

      1. mary ellen cronin Avatar
        mary ellen cronin

        Reprint the book Its needed in this day and age. God Bless you

        1. Rita Davidson Avatar
          Rita Davidson

          Thank you Mary Ellen,
          the book has been reprinted and you can get it right here http://www.littleflowersfamilypress.com/immodestybook
          God bless you
          Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) saved from the ashes has returned!

  3. Dina Avatar

    Me too! Reprint when you can !! Even after I borrow it I will need to buy it, something tells me it’s a book I will need on my shelf 🙂

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Hi Dina!!
      So good to see you on here! Okay, too funny! haha, you’ll have to let me know how you like it too!
      God’s will be done!
      With love,
      Author: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more…

  4. Lisa Avatar

    So glad to see you have a place to live! I prayed for you several times after learning of the fire.

    I have one skirt that I wear the majority of days here too..

  5. Megan Avatar

    Hi Rita!
    Yes, please reprint your modesty book! I ordered a copy last summer – right before the fire. :(. So I’d love to order one again! I really want to read it! :). I’m not completely sold on wearing just skirts, but I think this book will convince me.

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Wonderful Megan!
      So glad to have your input. It really helps me see how much this work is needed.
      I hope my blog posts will also help convince you too! so keep reading! 🙂
      With love,
      Author: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more…

  6. Janice Harder Avatar
    Janice Harder

    After wearing skirts and dresses for 10+ years and dressing my growing family of girls the same, I finally came upon the conclusion that I was making life hard on myself. Our closets were FULL of dresses … I thought the girls needed one for every day of the week and three or so for Sundays. This year, I had it. The laundry was getting out of hand. Now it’s two denim skirts and two Sunday outfits for everyone. Usually we wear one skirt all week but have a back-up for emergencies (which do happen!). We had a hard time finding denim skirts that were, well, modest. Even the long ones were slinky. So out came the sewing machine and a cute yet simple pattern. My mom LOVED these skirts, and she’s the kind that’s always complaining them. So, my teenaged daughter is in middle of completing her first skirt to sell even as I write. She has already sold it! Seems like we’re not the only ones that have problems…

    Shirts are another issue entirely. Why is it that I have no option but to buy TWO shirts to be modest? One that will cover up to the neck and another to cover the arms? It is so frustrating! Add to that the fact that I have to buy a women’s medium for my two tiny petite girls or else they’re not decent! I won’t even tell what size I have to buy for myself! GRRR!

    I do hope to see your book reprinted again. I give mine out selectively to those I think are ripe for the change, but I make sure it remembers where home is! By the way, this is the first time I’ve logged in since your fire. So glad to see you back!

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Hello Janice,
      WOW, so great to hear from you! What an amazing testimony! I LOVE it!
      I know it’s crazy what we must do to be modest today! I’m sure God appreciates all our efforts no matter how hard. Just be sure it’s all in moderation and in honor and glory for God !
      I’m so glad to be back too! Please pray we can make a great comeback after such a devastating loss!
      God bless you!
      With love,
      Rita Xo 🙂

  7. Diana G. Avatar
    Diana G.

    God bless your sweet soul.

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