All I can say today
by Rita Davidson
I’ve been pondering what this blog post should be about. Praying what I could possibly say that would help you today. With everything that is going on with our house purchase, homeschooling, taking care of my elderly mother and just regular “LIFE” happening, nothing was coming to me.
Sure I have tons of things saved for my upcoming launch of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” and more I have planned for you based on what you have asked me for. So exciting! 🙂
But then today I realized there is one thing I haven’t said, that needs to be said.
“I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry for all those late orders ‘some’ of you got. I’m sorry for some of those orders you never got, because of our fire, or just because of something you don’t even know.
I had orders packed at our door the night of the fire…Ready to ship, and then when fire ripped through our home and business I felt such a helplessness about it all.
Some of you are new to us so just settling in to enjoy who we are and what we offer. Some of you have known us for 10 or 15 years.
I am no one special. I am much like you, I get discouraged and I get tired. I get weepy and I get angry. I look at the hundreds of names I recognize and the thousands that we’ve contacted in all these years. Amazing…I have no special training to have accomplished what I have in 18 years. Those souls I have touched. The people I have been blessed to help. I am so humbled by the many lives I have touched all these 18 years. I am blessed by the souls I have come to know and now call friend. You know who you are… 🙂
Truly God has done great things in me. This was not just ME!
I don’t know why God asked me to do this work. I don’t know why He placed me with this responsibility. But, I am honored to be here for you all each week. And that is why “Sorry” needs to be said. For all I have failed to do through the years for you. I am truly sorry.
I pray God will help me rebuild LFFA for HIS glory and to serve you better. But for today, know how thankful I am for you, and all I can say today, is I’m sorry and how thankful I am for YOU! Thank you for putting up with me all these years.
God bless you,
With love,
Rita Xo 🙂
©Copyright 2014 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!
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