Catholic Wish List for Rita & Little Flowers Family
Updated: February 2017
THANK YOU for the CARE PACKAGES some families have blessed us with! The care each one was wrapped with, the lovely soaps some sent, the teas others sent! It just warmed my heart!
So many of you have asked us for a wish list. I had this posted on my Facebook page and realized many of you are not on there.
Please pray for the repose of Cheryl Kraus the mom, who sent us these lovely soaps summer 2013. We only heard of her passing later. May she rest in peace. 🙁
Recovering from a fire is enormous (see If I think back to the 17+ bookcases of books that went up in our fire, oh my, it would make you weep! The rare Catholic books we owned some limited editions. These were the first things I thought of, and weeped for, as the flames grew and devoured our home.
Losing hundreds of books from our 20+years of homeschooling was a tremendous loss as well. Imagine all the Catholic storybooks you have collected for your family, suddenly gone. Not one Catholic storybook to read to your children at night. 🙁
It took 18 months, to get back to a real home after TWO mortgages and realize there is no way we can replace 40+ years of belongings. We must now concentrate on those things that are most important. Our Faith.
As some of you know we had an extensive collection of very rare and unique Catholic books. Especially our large collection of ‘Father Bernard Kunkel collection’ writings in every form.
PLEASE consider donating to us any originals you have from Father Kunkel’s Marylike Modesty work, so we may move Our Lady’s Modesty Crusade forward, if this be God’s will.
Please consider sending us your used Catholic books whenever possible. Extra books your family is no longer using, books you find at church book sales, donations from closed libraries or estate sale books handed down to you that you can’t use. Older the better. I especially love books from 1890s to 1950’s.
- Please pack well, especially old books.
- Send by USPS only. NO UPS please.
- If you require acknowledgement, please include a note with your contact information. We LOVE to know who you are so we can PRAY for you! And we do PRAY for you EVERY NIGHT in our rosary.
- Rita Davidson & Family
- 541 County Rd 29
- *Father Bernard Kunkel, Marylike Crusader, and Divine Love publications
- *Catholic Books, leaflets, booklets, prayercards (pre-1950)
- *Catholic Books, leaflets, booklets on purity, modesty, virtues, commandments, spiritual life (pre-1950)
- *Catholic children’s books and Catholic DVD’s
- *Catholic homeschooling books & Catholic picture books
*My Catholic Faith – donated thank you!
*Haydock Bible
*Catechism of the Council of Trent – donated thank you!
*CATECHISM in PICTURES (Angelus Press)
Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Angelus Press)
Life of Christ (Angelus Press)
The Sacraments (Angelus Press)
Treasure Box Books (TanBooks) Donated Thank you!
Religious Customs in the Family – Father Weiser (Tan Books) Donated Thank you!
Catholic Coloring books (any) (Tan Books, or others)
Saints for Boys – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press) – Donated Thank you!
Jesus and Mary – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press) Donated Thank you!
Manners in God’s House – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press) Donated Thank you!
Saints for Girls – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
Angels Food for Boys and Girls – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
I Believe – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press) Donated Thank you!
An Alphabet of Saints – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press) Donated Thank you!
American Cardinal Reader set – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
Story of St. John Bosco – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
Story of St John Vianney – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
Story of St. Catherine of Alexandria – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
Story of Saint Lawrence – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
St Thomas More of London Town – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
Margaret – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
Legends of Saints and Beasts – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
The Little Flower of Jesus – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press) Donated Thank you!
Saints and Friendly Beasts books – (Tan/Saint Benedict/Neumann Press)
Autobiography of St Therese or other books on St Therese
Picture Missals for young Children – Latin Mass x 4 – Donated Thank you!
Children’s Catholic picture books
ANNE of GREEN Gables DVD Series
This list by no means is complete! Whatever you send would be MOST appreciated, even if not on this list.
We are indebted to you for all your support, whether books, donations or prayers.
You are always in our thoughts and prayers,
God bless you and keep you,
With Love,
Rita & family Xo:)
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!
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