Do you sew Veils for the Church?


Looking for a few good Women, who Sew Mantillas for the Church

By Rita Davidson

Since I first wrote my book, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” in 1999, things have changed dramatically. One area that blossomed has been headcoverings for women. My Chapter on Veils was one of the earliest writings looking at bringing back headcoverings for Catholic women. As my book is now going into it’s 3rd Edition I want to reach out to the women who have been creating and making veils for the faithful. But first, I want to share a story of a friend I was privileged to know.

Susan Scott made veils. She was one of my best friends and biggest supporter of my work. She had Immaculate Heart Mantillas and a great devotion to Our Lady especially Our Lady of Fatima. For many years she worked at making veils and vestments and touched many lives in the process. She had epilepsy and no computer, so I designed and created a website for her and hosted it. I also designed many of her advertisements that ran in newspapers.


Over the years she shared with me stories of the lack of charity shown her by those she knew. I was sad for all she suffered. I comforted her then and other times when she was trying to make ends meet. Her faith was nothing but inspiring. She told me stories of having a seizure in her apartment and waking up with a gash across her face needing 40+ stitches. Another time, she had a seizure and broke her ankle. She would just chuckle saying God sure had a sense of humor. She lived alone and I feared for her, though all she wanted was to die with the Sacraments.

She wanted nothing more than to do God’s will. She lived and worked for the  Glorification of God and His most blessed Mother. She in turn blessed me with statues and relics from her travels to Apparition sites of our Lady from around the world. She always encouraged me with her knowledge, her humor, her wit and friendship. We pulled the best out of each other.

After our fire, she was our biggest supporter. She reached out to priests she knew to get them to support us. I still have a box with toys she sent my boys Christmas 2013. They never got opened and she sadly passed away, alone, January 11, 2014 at the age of 64.


It was such a heartbreak not being able to say goodbye to such a good friend. She had done so much for my own faith. We were struggling living homeless after our fire and barely able to get to a phone.

Since then I have prayed how I can repay her back for her great faith and friendship.

“Immaculate Heart Veil Registry”

will be my memorial page for Susan.

I am honored to release this on today’s Feast of Our Lady of Fatima May 13, 2015. As you can see the only picture I have of Susan is at Fatima at the spot of the Apparition of the Angel. A very fitting picture to remember her by.

What I want, is to turn her website into a Veil Resource for those searching for headcoverings for Mass.

I supported Susan through the years with business advice, graphic design, sourcing suppliers and building a website. I now want to pay that back to the community of women who are filling a great need, in the Church.

What is the “Immaculate Heart Veil Registry”?

It will be a FREE annually renewing; comprehensive website resource specifically for women who are sewing veils at home, supporting their families with a second income. It will eventually be Categorized by Country, so open to anyone in the US, Canada, U.K and Australia.

This is Not a listing for Companies, or Stores that simply “ship” veils.

YOUR FREE LISTING will include:

  1. A FREE custom review of your veil business done by me, with a custom photo, your contact information and website link back to you.
  2. Once a month I will highlight one veil business and send it out FREE to my LITTLE FLOWERS FAMILY list.
  3. This Veil resource will be available in google searches and from the front page of my website bringing traffic back to your website for FREE. (yes, really for free, my gift to other women, like Susan).
  4. This page will also be included in my upcoming 3rd Edition book, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” to thousands of my readers.
  5. Future plans may include business advice, advertising advice, or how to start a business depending on your need and interest.

Here are YOUR requirements for being listed in the Immaculate Heart Veil Registry for 2015. You must apply for your listing spot.

  1. Send us one Sample Veil (your choice) by mail only, to show us your workmanship, style and level of sewing abilities. (Be creative on what you send us!)
  2. Join our VEIL REGISTRY LIST below to Download your copy of our Submission form. Include the filled out form with your submission. (If this form is NOT included we cannot accept your submission and your submission will NOT be returned.)
  3. Promise to pray (a minimum) of one Rosary for the repose of the soul of Susan Scott and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  4. Agree to let us know if you stop making veils or close your business so we can remove your review and link.
  5. You must keep your email and contact information up to date with us so we can keep your listing current.
  6. Your listing will renew same time next year.
  7. We have the right to refuse any listing for for inappropriate content, or incomplete submission.

DEADLINE for SUBMISSIONS: must be postmarked by JUNE 12, 2015 Feast of the Sacred Heart – NOW EXTENDED to AUGUST 15th, Feast of the Assumption!

We are so honored to be able to give back to all the women filling a need in the Church today! I was so honored to know a woman like Susan who filled my life with her faith and friendship. I am so grateful to know this Registry will keep her memory alive and the members of this Veil Registry will be praying for her.

I look forward to going over your submissions! (POSTAL MAIL ONLY)

If you have any questions, be sure to let me know HERE.

HURRY Deadline MUST be received and Postmarked by June 12th, 2015 AUGUST 15th, 2015 so I can start getting the reviews and listings up as soon as possible.

I’m so honored to support you all in your work!
God bless you! 🙂

  With love Rita Xo 🙂 RitaBiosmRita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys.  Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro with a degree in Natural Health who enjoys essential oils. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their crosses with Joy!  


7 responses to “Do you sew Veils for the Church?”

  1. Janice Avatar

    As I read about this story, I think that Susan must have been one of those special, lovely souls that gives our Lord so much comfort by willingly undergoing whatever suffering he sends. Then, I read of her lonely death, and I thought how fitting it was that the picture you own is taken there at Fatima, for our Lady asked Jacinta if she would be willing to suffer death all alone for the conversion of sinners.

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you Janice, yes, we can never know God’s plans for us. Those mysteries will be hidden until we reach our destiny in heaven.
      I know Susan was a daily communicant so I am sure God took care of her in some way.
      I’m so honored I was able to make a Memorial page for her and know she will be prayed for now.
      God bless you,
      Rita 🙂
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” saved from the ashes, returns in 2015!

  2. Joyce Avatar

    My, this is such a beautiful tribute to Susan Scott, although, I never met her in person, I bought some of her pretty veils. And you are right, she was indeed not just a lovely person to talk with, but truly a holy person. This is what drew me to her, not just her pretty veils, but her zeal For the Catholic Faith without compromise, a Truly Practicing Traditional Catholic in every sense of the word. I cherished our long conversations when we did get to talk. I too was sadden when I heard of her passing, I felt I had known her for a long time and as good a phone friend anyone could have.
    Anyway, you promised back at the time of your own tragic fire, when she passed away, you were going to do something in her memory, being the honest, caring and loving person I have come to know through Face Book, you have not gone back on your word.
    This idea is just beautiful and I do hope there are some out there who already sew veils or are looking into sewing and selling their own veils, where you can help advertise etc. for them, especially those who work from home and could use the extra income.
    The work that you display already on your own sites are so creative and pretty. May God’s Blessings pour upon this “newer” adventure in memory of Susan, keeping her alive in people’s hearts with prayer and helping you in the long run. Love, your Face Book Friend in Christ, Joyce

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you Joyce for sharing your memories of Susan Scott with us here.
      She surely was a valiant soul and I know she touched many other lives.
      I would love to see others post their memories to Susan here too.
      Thank you so much for your kind comments as always. I am honored to be worthy of being praised.
      God gets all the glory!
      In His name,
      With love,
      Rita 🙂
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” saved from the ashes, returns in 2015!

  3. carol ann speier Avatar
    carol ann speier

    I am looking for some one to fix my Lady of Fatima veil I tried to fix it my self but could not can anyone help me carol

  4. Shannon Gallaway Avatar
    Shannon Gallaway

    What a wonderful tribute to a truly devout woman. I have missed the deadline for 2015 but I shall still send in a submission and a veil for your approval for 2016 listings. God bless you!

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you for reminding me on this! I had extended the deadline for this, but forgot to update the page! So you haven’t missed a THING! Be sure to join the link there and download your Submission form. You have until August 15th now, but don’t wait or that date will pass too! 🙂 So honored to be able to support you in your mission to sew for Catholic women!
      God bless,
      Rita 🙂
      Author of the BESTSELLING, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) saved from the ashes, returns in 2015!

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