Do you think the world needs more purity?


Do you think the world needs more purity?

By Rita Davidson

I asked this question on my Facebook page the other day. It got some interesting replies, and NONE of them were “NO”.

Do you feel the world needs more purity? Why is that? Is it the smut we see in movies? Or maybe just the advertisements you see while driving in the city? Maybe your lucky enough to live in the country and not notice that.

More shocking is the styles you see on the street, or young girls from families you know. These good Catholic families you once knew and you can’t understand how the girls are now wearing tank tops, or maybe mini—skirts? How did this happen?

Maybe even mothers you knew are now wearing styles you never thought you’d see them in?

Or maybe you have been struck by the styles you see at Mass? Those low cut shirts, or too tight shirts with bare backs showing, or worse. What about those flip flops and general sloppiness at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? Summer is coming again..

In 1999 as I was writing my first book, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue”. I had no prior writing training. I loved writing and over the years wrote numerous articles for various magazines and home-school newsletters.

But then God placed this on my heart, and I was struck with an urge to write a book on a topic that had become near and dear to my heart; –> Modesty.

As I dug deep on this topic (One of my favorite things to do – research!) I was struck to discover a concerted effort to keep this information from reaching the faithful. Article after article made this most obvious and then in 2001, I finally got, “Immodesty, Satans’ Virtue” in print.

Fast forward 16 years and I have been knee deep in research again and praying how I can get this message out to closed hearts.

July 2013 , after walking out of a raging fire, when our house burned down, your fragile life suddenly looms BIG in your face. Picking through 6 feet of charcoal, the remnants of our lives, and finding my “Immodesty, Satan’s VirtueSAVED from under all that melted GLASS and METAL I realized God was showing me how important this topic was. We lived homeless for 6 months (well really 18 months, but I digress).

I had a lot of time to reflect and pray about this topic as I watched families around me blindly fumble in the dark.

“Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” was the name of my book simply because “Immodesty” is the opposite of “Modesty”

So ‘IMMODESTY” is the tool Satan is using to blind us to the important things needed for our salvation.

When I asked this on my Facebook page, one replied, “Absolutely. It is sinful the way a lot of ladies dress.”

That about sums it up doesn’t it?

Without MODESTY, we will NEVER recover purity in the world.

Without modesty, Purity is LOST.

That is why my book was so important. Important enough that a raging fire couldn’t burn it. It’s not about me, it’s about this message. And that is why I am working hard to get this message out to a new generation.

Yes, this world needs more Purity. It can only begin with a return to Modesty.

This can only begin with YOUR help. Will you help me?

Post here to show your support, if you will pray for my work?

(Others LOVE to see how this concerns all of us!)

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With love,

Rita Xo 🙂

©Copyright 2015 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.

RitaBiosmRita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys.  Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro with a degree in Natural Health who enjoys essential oils. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!


6 responses to “Do you think the world needs more purity?”

  1. Janice Avatar

    I have often lamented that there are so many purity “programs” for high school and college students out there that make no mention whatsoever of modesty being the preserver of purity. As a matter of fact, I have never seen that first one! It weighs heavy on my heart. When modesty goes, purity is sure to follow; purity cannot exist without its protector.

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      You are so right Janice!
      Modesty is missing in every Chastity program! This is why I am so fired up to get my book back in print and spread this message further. The damage they are doing cannot be calculated by missing the entire point.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts here with us!
      God bless you,
      Author, the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and more…saved from the ashes, returns 2015!

  2. Amy Avatar

    Hi, I am always doing the rosary for you and your cause. Been very ill for months now. I’m still sick but a lot better. Had infectious bronchitus. God Bless You

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you Amy for all your prayers!
      May God make you well soon.
      Take care,
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) saved from the ashes – returns in 2015!

  3. Patricia Hardy Avatar
    Patricia Hardy

    OMW! Our young people today don’t even know that modesty is missing from our (and especially their) lives. All the advertising, movies, TV shows, magazines, let’s not forget the internet! – just about everything “reveals” immodesty. That’s all they (our young people) see. And our young girls want that “look” also. It seems as if the girls are starting at younger and younger ages wearing the revealing clothing. It breaks my heart! Our young girls (and not so young ladies) are already beautiful and dressing in revealing clothing does not make them any more beautiful – but they don’t understand or believe or it just doesn’t even enter their minds that immodesty takes away from their own beauty. I know it’s not just about girls – the guys are doing it too, but I feel as though it makes our young women vulnerable, unprotected in ways when they are exposing so much of themselves. I pray that our young people receive God’s wisdom and understanding about modesty!

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you Patricia,
      You are so right..Young girls don’t realize they down value themselves by revealing too much. In the end it is their actions that are leading the boys to not have respect for them. Unfortunately they don’t realize how much more powerful they are with modesty. They are our future mothers…May God send them wisdom soon!
      Thank you for your input, and let’s be sure to pray for our youth that are so caught up in the world today.
      With love,
      Rita 🙂
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) saved from the ashes – returns in 2015!

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