Essential Oils for Natural Stress Relief


Essential Oils for Natural Stress Relief

By Rita Davidson

It seems we can never get enough sleep. But especially mothers, baby after baby comes and it seems more and more sleep is sacrificed.

After a time our body really starts to get worn out. Waking up overtired is not just a light symptom. A day after day worn out feeling is a sign that you are literally, burning out.

There are two handy organs right above your kidneys, a pair that you might not even know about. They are called your Adrenal glands. They are so important they handle many body systems, including your hormone, stress levels and but we rarely hear about them.

Addison’s and Cushings disease are the two extremes ends of worn out adrenals that you will hear about in a doctors office. Adrenal fatigue is not talked about or recognized much, but far more common than we realize. Read this:

“Low cortisol symptoms include fatigue, sugar or salt cravings, low blood sugar, a history of low blood pressure, skin rashes, allergies, poor sleep, depression and anxiety. Cortisol production is usually highest in the morning before we eat, with levels gradually tapering throughout the day. Some patients will be just the opposite, low in the morning when they have terrible fatigue and high at night, not allowing them to get their much needed rest.”1

Does any of these symptoms sound like you? Low blood sugar, anxiety….yup those were all me. And some days are still me! Don’t forget the dark circles under the eyes and sagging skin that can take on an ashen look long before your old enough to be old! You can also have hair loss and increasing acne as well. 2

Once I discovered my gluten intolerance; bloodwork showed all my nutritional deficiencies. (See previous Blog Posts) The next testing was for my adrenals. The constant tiredness and not able to wake up, nor keep my blood sugar levels stabilized, so it wasn’t a surprise to find my Adrenals were worn out. I am still careful to eat well, and watch my blood sugar levels so they don’t drop on me.

Stress is the biggest drain on your adrenals (and your skin). You know all those reactions to; the bills you can pay, the injury Davey got at the ball-field, the baby that was up all night with an unknown cough, the nasty person at the store that insulted you for all those kids…yup, all those emotions (boy are they emotions!) they are stressing our adrenals.

With our 4 boys, three of them with autism, I have a hard time escaping stress. After our house fire, and all that entailed like living homeless for 6 months, not knowing where we belonged and all we lost, again I couldn’t get in front of my stress. Many of you are much like that too with all the unique crosses we all carry.

As I monitor my blood sugar levels, take adrenal supplements, I try to keep my stress down by taking a break when needed. A good book, a walk outside, day-dreaming even. 🙂 But, I wanted to find something that would also help support my stressed adrenals. When I discovered this Essential Oil blend for the adrenals I was really excited. After all Young Living oils helped us with already in the last year, this surely would be a bonus.

I like it cause it’s easy to apply, doesn’t have any side effects, but on the days I use it, I do feel stronger and more balanced.

The more you use essential oils you get to love the variety of their aroma’s. It’s nice when they can do a little more than just ‘smell nice’.

This is really great for anyone that deals with long term stress too. So, if your feeling stressed and worn out, try this recipe for supporting your Adrenals for all those stressful days ahead.

Rita’s Adrenal Blend

1 teaspoon olive oil (I prefer V6 oil from Young Living as it is an inexpensive,  high quality blend that is not greasy and great for any other essential oil you may need to dilute)

Add: (I only use Young Living oils as I trust their purity. I can’t verify if you‘ll get the same results with other oils.)

  • 3 drops Clove Essential oil
  • 4 drops Nutmeg Essential Oil
  • 6 drops Rosemary Essential Oil

Put V6 oil (or your choice) in small container.

  1. Drop in your essential oils, as above.
  2. Mix or stir with toothpick or coffeestick.
  3. Shake before each use.
  4. Apply on fingers and rub into the kidney area (right at the bottom of your ribcage around the back) until it’s absorbed.
  5. Apply Morning and in your afternoon slump.
  6. Enjoy! (and learn to relax!) 🙂

For more natural skin care advice, recipies like this, natural health advice, what is beauty and more, Watch for my upcoming;

“Catholic Womens Guide to Natural Health and Beauty”

coming soon!

Be sure to Check out the other Vibrant Thymes Team Member’s Ideas for Skin Care!
*Recipe taken from Reference Guide for Essential Oils References 1. The editors of PureHealthMD.  "The Adrenal Gland"  29 June 2010. <>  27 May 2014. 2. TREATING ADRENAL FATIGUE NATURALLY Posted on September 25, 2013 | By ©Copyright 2014 Rita Davidson All Rights Reserved. IMG_0905Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!


One response to “Essential Oils for Natural Stress Relief”

  1. Rita Davidson Avatar
    Rita Davidson

    Hi Jan,
    Oh great! So glad this will be helpful for you!
    God bless you,
    Rita 🙂
    Author: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more…

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