The Experiment Generation
I was pondering the other day, how we have become the Experiment Generation. So many of us live from day to day, simply trying to keep our families fed, our bills paid, our vehicles running and the house clean. Not to mention all that homeschooling!
When our first babies were born, we did the best we could and many of us with older children can readily admit we made our first mistakes on them.
When our oldest was a baby and showed allergies to formula we switched to soy formula. At the time it was the best choice for her and now that she’s an adult, she survived those early years, thankfully. Or so we think ?
But, recent research I’ve come across now tells us that soy is also the cause of thyroid problems. Hmmm? is it any wonder that she’s been treating her thyroid for months now?
How many more things do we enjoy today, that are truly *new*, not really time-tested? Isn’t it frightening to think of all the new things we allow into our lives, our food, our Ipads, our Iphones, our TV dinners, our Becel ‘margarine’, our "tide" and more. All without really and truly knowing the results in 25 -40 years from now?
The food additives, the food coloring, the food enhancers, and so many other things that we just take for granted. It’s easy, it tastes good so let’s eat.
With our busy lives and the ease of microwave meals and frozen dinners, we are really trying to do the best we can with our money and time.
Let us not forget how this generation has all but forgotten about God. In fact, this generation, is working overtime to get rid of God!
Many of us have opted for the simpler life, of making our own dinners, and growing our own gardens and having our own chickens, but this is not the life of 50 years ago. Today many families trying to life a ‘simple life’ in the country including gardens and harvests for the mother to pull in. But the dad is holding down outside jobs in the city, and these families are burning out faster than you can microwave a hotdog.
Seriously folks, this is a challenging time we are living. Atheism is rampant.
When appointments, shopping and lessons take us here and there, and everywhere, what else can we do? There is such a craving today, to slow down. To rest. To relax. To simplify. To breathe.
We not only need to simplify our schedules but in some cases, simplify our meals too. The simpler our meals are usually the healthier they can be. And while it takes more time, what it gives back in health can be priceless.
For families that are already struggling with multiple illnesses or allergies they are already trying their best for their families. These are the families that have sought the best paths for their children who needed more than modern medicine answers could give them. Our family has been found to be gluten sensitive, so over time our diets have had to change. Is it any wonder what is normal to eat today, compared to a meal 50 or even 100 years ago ?
We now have gluten and dairy free boys. And I am gluten free. The damage that gluten did to my own body is a testament to how damaging some things are today, we cannot see.
But, it is an exciting time to live today. With the advancement in science we now see that problems like downs syndrome children and autism can be healed and improved. Where there was never hope for these children before, today there is. Never before has this been seen. While many things about society today can frighten us, there is much to give us hope.
Don’t allow your children to be the victims of the worldwide experiment today to weaken their bodies through man-made foods but, especially the world-wide experiment to steal the souls of your children through impurity and atheism. Just a look at society today is enough to make you shudder. But the watered down faith that is coming out of the pulpits, and being taught in the government Catholic schools is enough to make you weep. Recently I seen the local "Catholic yearbook", page after page, with pictures of children, but not one picture of the Sacred Heart. Not one picture of a Catholic Feast Day. A whole year of memories but God was not included.
I was looking at my own ‘religion’ books from Gr. 5. the other day. Granted this was a ‘little while ago" (ahem!). Do you know what they were teaching me? How the world is a wonderful place, how we are brothers and how all the religions were equal. I’ll have to pull my book out one day and share it with you. Where has the faith gone?
On top of that was the scandalizing teaching I got in ‘health class’ one day, makes us wonder just who is holding the reins today?
Watch what they eat, be sure they sleep well, eat a wholesome diet and get lots of fresh air and balanced activities.
But, at the end of the day, please be assured that you have fed their soul too – soul food! Good Catholic books and audios! That you have provided their soul with nourishing food to read about the saints and the tremendous love that God has shown us through His Sacred heart.
Be sure that you clean it regularly, by bringing them to the Sacraments and making Confession a simple thing for them to do.
Teach them how to decorate their souls with the gems of devotion that will build in heaven an account waiting for them.
Keep the faith a living, vibrant thing, not a musty, dusty religion of rigor and rules.
What Christ has given us through His Church is a beautiful faith, tested through time to withstand all the fashions and experiments of the day. Let us hold fast to the traditions and bring the faith to our children in a vibrant way to engage their minds, but especially to engage their souls, so that at the end of this generation we can rest in peace knowing our children didn’t become part of the Experiment Generation. But instead are resting with the Eternal Generation in heaven!
What do you think ? Share with me your experiences below!
©Copyright 2007- 2012. Rita Davidson All Rights Reserved.
(Adapted from an article by Rita Davidson from 2007)
Rita is a Catholic wife and mother of seven children. She reverted back to the faith when her oldest was making her First Communion. By then, she had completed degrees in Hairdressing and Make up artistry. She went on to receive a degree in Natural Health and another degree in Art. At age 26, Rita suffered a minor stroke. With no lasting effects, this dramatically changed her outlook on life. In 1996, Rita began ‘Little Flowers Family Apostolates’ to reach out to other families with her new found faith, by creating unique Catholic books and resources.. In 1999, she wrote the bestselling, ‘Immodesty; Satan’s Virtue’. She was editor of ‘The Catholic Health Letter’ for 7 years. She has been a homeschooling mom for 20+ years, and has written for various magazines. She is honored that families have trusted her with their questions, needs and concerns over the years. She continues to write and reach out to Catholic families with her husband, Mark and their 4 boys through
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