Good-bye 2015 – Hello 2016
by Rita Davidson
Good-bye 2015 – never to be seen again.
Time – she passes FASTER with ever passing year.
Make no mistake God is calling us to HIM. With every passing moment, every passing day, every passing year we are being pulled back to HIM.
How many began 2015 did not see the end of it? I lost some dear friends this year.
How many that are CHEERING 2016 will not live to see it’s end?
Have you THANKED God for this grace of being alive.
Can you COMMIT to serving Jesus and Mary more fully in 2016?
Can you commit to making reparation as Our Lady asked in 1917?
After the recent research for my book, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (coming soon from the Editor!) I feel the MOST important thing EVERYONE can do is to start 2016 Consecrating themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Fatima
With wars and rumors of wars, we must put ourselves under her protection. Please don’t put this off. Don’t delay but begin your year NOW with her. I’ve made it so simple by giving you this Consecration Prayer from Pope Pius XII that is from my upcoming book, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue”, 3rd Ed..
2016 is going to need YOUR prayers and YOUR penance to turn around the GRIP that Satan has on our world and on our beloved Church. PLEASE Share this with everyone you know that loves God and wants to SERVE HIM under the banner of His QUEEN in 2016.
May you have the grace to see and serve the TRUTH in 2016.
Let’s bring a flood of #realCatholicbeauty back to this world!
Happy New Year 2016! #happynewyear #fatima
With love,
Rita xo

©Copyright 2016 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.
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