Halloween – Spooky Snacks for your soul

Halloween – Spooky Snacks for your soul

By Rita Davidson


Halloween again…It was last weeks Walmart flyer. I read them every week to get the best price on groceries. Do you do that? I hope so or I’m a really weird one. LOL

But then I opened up this Walmart flyer and see this picture staring back at me. At first I was grossed out, then I chuckled, but the more I looked at it, it got me thinking.

Halloween is here again. I don’t know about you; but time is passing me so fast I can barely keep up. Wasn’t it just Easter?

Every October Halloween comes marching. We have done various things over the years from hiding in a dark room for little gremlins to pass, to our early days “trick and treating” in rich areas to get the biggest loot that lasted months. Ohhhh the pounds!

The last few years were spent at my moms house, oh how she loved to see the little children. Handing out candy was exactly what made her happy. THINK JOY! It was the one time of year she could see children again after running daycare all her life. So many little joys now lost with her dementia. But I digress.

But there is a different flavor that has been growing. It’s the macabre spooky snacks; the darkness, that just seems to have lost it’s limit.

Take this picture, (above) I still am not sure what it is? There is no hint you can buy these in store (doubtful) or a recipe to put it together?

First we spotthe fingers – digits removed from the person they belonged to. It’s funny at first, but once you think about it; when are dis-membered fingers ever funny?

A deceased person deserves respect. A respect that is all lost today. Not to treat them as toys, snacks or garbage or anything other than a human with a soul created by God.

Look a little farther at that picture, you have gummy worms coming out of a cup of curdled blood (?)… (I know I’m nitpicking at everything!)

But it’s the comfortableness of this darkness that concerns me. When children learn to treat the body as a play-thing – eating fingers?!

It’s not surprising you end up with adults who don’t flinch at babies arms and legs in petrie dishes in abortion. What really IS the difference?

When parents teach their children (by being silent accomplices) do not be surprised to discover our grown children’s lack of empathy for babies in the womb or the elderly.

We can all feel it, this growing darkness. There is an undercurrent in the world disarming us from what is good, what is true.

Truly Satan is fueling this today like never before. It’s coming not just from one corner like abortion. That is only the start.

  • It’s coming at us from movies with gross impurities and perversions.
  • It’s coming at us from elderly being put to death in homes as a mercy killing.
  • It’s coming at us from slickly worded arguments and advertising with hidden malice to decieve. Don’t you feel it? This growing darkness is the embodiment of everything that is NOT GOOD, NOT TRUE but everything ugly.

Why do we laugh at a dismembered finger ? Because it’s UGLY. It’s a gross show of what God created in His image to honor Him and instead it’s an insult to it’s Creator. And that is really at the crux of this cult of ugly. It is a sheer revolt against it’s Creator – God.

I know it’s only once a year, but are you giving in to the darkness by joining the worlds darkness ? Or are you creating a wholesome way to enjoy Halloween by giving back to God the glory that is His alone?

Share your wholesome Halloween ideas with us!

With love,

Rita xo

©Copyright 2016 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.

2016-09-17-08_optRita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys.  Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro with a degree in Natural Health who enjoys essential oils. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their cross with JOY!







2 responses to “Halloween – Spooky Snacks for your soul”

  1. Jacinta Avatar

    I LOVE This. I was a little worried at first that you were “into’ Halloween 😉 haha. But Yessss! I am sooo glad there is someone else out there that “nitpicks” like I do! Yes, I feel a bit scrupulous… Yes, most people roll their eyes and call me whatever BUT, its so true! If you really pray the rosary and ask God to show you the way…. you begin to SEE things….. alot of things that people are SO used to, that if you would mention it they would outright laugh in your face and call you paranoid or something. But truly, in a day an age such as this…. with even the CHURCH coming out with things that are wrong (for example, the new “Sex Education” >:( grrrrrr…. we need to pray and be vigilant.. 🙂
    God bless! <3

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Haha Jacinta,
      you are SOOO funny! Yeah we gave up Halloween long ago…though we did go through ‘seasons’. Yup I nitpick…but try not get scrupulous about it…(that’s bad! LOL) but being a gentle as a dove when others don’t understand us is the best way to interest them in our faith. And yes, God really does SHOW you things…and yes, let us not faint at what the Church seems to be coming out with…we must always remain Catholic to the core, and just because God might be moving the ‘center’ of the Church off from the center, it’s not because He has abandoned us in any way. Must we must always PRAY to SEE the truth. HIS truth and GUIDE us to that everyday.
      There are glimmers of HOPE everywhere if we just LOOK. 🙂
      GOd bless you 🙂
      with love,
      Rita xo 🙂

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