Have you fallen into a modesty slump?!
Modesty is one of the hardest virtues to acquire – because it has a way of pinching our soul (Pinching our pride) in such a personal way (Ouch what do you mean I can’t wear THIS?!) that we, at first, recoil from it!
When, by the grace of God, Our eyes are finally opened, we feel such a rush of joy to be modest it blinds us to everything else. Blinds us to what we are wearing because we are just happy to be modest!
That first honeymoon rush of being modest soon wears off, and we are faced with a lull that wants to tempt us to give up….
Is this you?
That’s where I come in… if you have been modest but fell off the wagon, reach out to me.
Post below or message me… I’m am a beauty coach for Catholic women and I’m here to serve you and help you out of your modesty slump.
How can I help YOU on your modesty journey?
Rita xxo 🙂
(C) Copyright 2020 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved
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