Honesty & the Source of Commonsense
By Rita Davidson
Reading the local paper here, I was struck by a letter to the editor thanking someone for ‘turning themselves in’ and admitting they damaged their car in a lot. It is so sad when commonsense courtesy is such a surprise today.
I remember doing that exact thing one night. It had been raining like cats and dogs and coming back from a trip down to our warehouse, I nicked another vehicle. I too waited there in the rain until someone showed up to exchange my name and particulars.
Have you ever seen someone drop a $20 bill on the ground? No one would have seen you pick it up, but you still knew who it belonged too. So despite your reservations, you got the courage up to hand it over. Wasn’t it all worth it to see their eyes beam and their face brighten when they seen you returning to them what was theirs?
It seems commonsense that we would all want to do what was ‘right’. But today, ‘right’ has been blurred, and all but forgotten.
Society fights against God right and left. Fists are flying in the air against God like in days of old. History is repeating itself like when Moses brought down the law of God to the erring Israelites. Today, laws are now made by governments to exclude families rights. Christians are becoming second class citizens.
Artwork now is a blasphemy of Our Lord with crucifix’s made from excrement – with no backlash from anywhere! Movies are made with all kinds of ‘alternate’ stories of Our Lady and Our Lord, denigrating her dignity and His Majesty.
Where is the outrage? Where is the Vatican outrage against these errors to bring things back right and center?
Heaven weeps bitterly for the sins of her children and for the errors that go unchecked. Where is the justice?
It will take a miracle from heaven to bring about unity in it’s members now to combat the evils in the world and the Church. Remember ‘unity’ was one of the marks of the Church?
Now the infighting in the Church is so loud we cannot even see what is passing us by. The smoke of Satan has entered the Church. We are so wrapped up in ‘ diabolical distractions’ like trying to understand Vatican II, the 3 days of Darkness, or we can’t see what’s right before our very eyes.
Can you imagine, if ‘we the Church’ can’t get our lives straight, how will society ever come to recognize God as the source of the commonsense THEY all love in the world?
Penance, Penance, Penance Our Lady told us at LaSalette, Lourdes and Fatima.
Tomorrow is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima’s apparition. Year after year her feast comes and goes and we painfully watch for real progress in the Church. We must stop sitting on the sidelines, waiting for it to happen!
This year, go deep in understanding what Our Lady required, and pledge your life to become part of the work of restoration.
“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy Mercy!”
Our participation is required and needed without delay. What will you do today to answer Our Lady’s call?
©Copyright 2014 Rita Davidson All Rights Reserved.
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!
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