I’m SO sick of saying, “I’m sorry.”
by Rita Davidson
I really am. Every time I look at the progress of “IMMODESTY, Satan’s Virtue” I just CRINGE. I mean I want to crawl UNDER a rock. I was so sure this would be ready before Christmas. Then so sure it would be ready by January. Then so sure it would be ready for May, Our Lady’s month. And now I still don’t have a set day for shipping. “I’m so sorry.” ugh
The last month I’ve been just generally unwell. It began when my elderly mother went into the hospital and just seems to have not let up until just the last few days. On top of that a week ago, with all the editing on THE book and the new website I managed to get tendonitus of my thumb, which became carpal tunnel pretty fast.
Just take an over worked writer hands and add to that the increased help my elderly mother needed lately and you have a perfect recipe for this inflammation. First time for me, but oh the burning and pressure will NOT EASILY be forgotten. I very much realized how important my ‘hands’ are to my work and family. It’s just today I been able to go without my brace, its still tender, so being really careful writing this blog post.
I even posted my new fashion statement on Instagram. I was more amazed at the sky behind me, look at that SKY! LOL
Then just as the book layout was progressing nicely….I accidentally uncovered footnotes mixed up! EEZK – a writers WORST NIGHTMARE! That brought everything to a HALT. That means back to my editor. We are already spent 3.5 hours working on it and more later today. There’s that, “I’m really sorry.” again.
– STOP –
this is how far I got on this blog post before the pressure built up on my wrist I had to take a break.
It’s really demoralizing how much of a failure you can feel like. Knowing how late this book is, how you are all waiting, how much I can’t get done with my hand. Well let’s say the negative nellies were ruling my brainwaves this week. All in God’s good time I know, I know…
So where does this leave us? Well, I’m working as HARD and FAST as I can – to finish up the layout, footnote checking, final cover…ohhh can’t WAIT for to share that one! and the final page count…is GROWING!
Soon I’ll be able to reveal the NEW chapters and more! PRAY for me will you? I want to STOP saying, “I’m sorry.” and instead be saying ITS HERE, ITS HERE!!!
I DREAM of a day I can hand deliver my book to each of you. Imagine: holding your hand, feeling the joy of meeting you finally, giving you a BIG hug while I hand this book to you with my promise: that modesty will change your LIFE!
With love,
P.S. just don’t squeeze my hand TOO tight…I think I might go get my brace now.. 🙂
Rita xo 🙂

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