Is money holding you back from dressing modestly?


Is money holding you back from dressing modestly?

by Rita Davidson


Having disposable income to spend on skirts is well,  a matter of perspective.

I think it’s really a matter of priorities and commitment.

Let me explain;

If you have ‘one’ skirt in your closet right now, and were fully, totally “committed”, you could or rather would, wear that ONE skirt day after day, (washing at night even, hanging to dry if needed) until you could “afford” another.

 Really you can’t? Why not? It’s clean. It’s comfortable.

Oh did I hear you say, people would notice you wore it all week? Oh my! You see, it’s not the money at all!  It’s the reaction you might get, the looks you might have to deal with, the comments you might have to hear.

Do you think God will accost you at the gates of heaven one day saying,

“Mary, I seen you wearing that skirt everyday for a week or more? How dare you come to me now thinking you can enter my Kingdom.”

No, I doubt very much you will hear God say any such thing. Rather, you might hear Him say,

“Mary, I see you have struggled very much in your life. I see that you often committed to things that were hard. You often sacrificed comfort or self-respect to stay modest for me. Please come rest your weary head beside me…”

Don’t you see if you just committed to wearing that ‘one and only’ skirt you had, (and I AM exaggerating here, as most of you will have more than one) with all those negative comments (that you might not even get) you’d work, and pray really hard to get skirt number two FAST?

You see making a COMMITMENT to modesty, would make this a PRIORITY for you to find a WAY.


“Afford” is the key word here…

Yes, many of us “say” we do not have any extra income to speak of.

NOTE: I am NOT chastising those that have TRUE needs, like 3, 4 or more girls to dress, or living in an area with no modesty resources, or having plus-sized needs, etc. I hear ya. 🙂

Let’s remember here I am NOT as fortunate as I may seem. YES, its true, I got a TON of used plus-sized clothes FREE the other day that I shared on my Facebook page, after my last post of Modesty, even when Homeless. That I say, is an example of how God blesses you when you allow Him to provide for your needs!

But, I have sacrificed much more than most of you know; to stay modest these last 17 years, just the latest is losing our home!

We had little extra income before, and after our fire  losing everything that put us homeless we had Nothing. But when we make something a priority, and get ‘serious’, we ‘find’ ways to make it work.

I firmly believe GOD “finds ways” for us to make it work.

In my book, Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue, I gave instructions for a basic skirt for first time sewers! Unfortunately it is now out of print.

Just like my blog post last week shows. It’s a matter of TRUST and stepping out in faith. Then be open to ways that will make it work for you. (as I said I can be stubborn! LOL you should be too! ) this really helps.

My big WINDFALL the other day, was rare indeed! We have a recycle trailer here at our ‘dump’ and after going there for more than 10 years, I finally found plus sized skirts and dresses there in my exact size! This is NOT a regular occurrence for me, but I do take it as being an example, that God can make anything happen when we put ourselves out there to trust Him first. The whole blog post I wrote that day was a matter of TRUST on my part to share that intimate part of our homelessness last year. And this is how God blessed me for TRUSTING HIM.

How much more will He bless YOU for trusting HIM?

So when will you make the ‘commitment’ needed to dress modestly?

Share with me your struggles, I want to help you make this work!

©Copyright 2014 Rita Davidson  All Rights Reserved.

IMG_0905Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!


10 responses to “Is money holding you back from dressing modestly?”

  1. Mary Avatar

    Hi Rita, 🙂
    I would say there is a huge basis in fear and bias to not dress with modestly in mind. And with that comes “half” commitments. For example, one would say, sure I will wear a skirt/dress no problem. But it is short, playing on the borders of a so-called “gray area” and according to friends, “In fashion” at the moment. And the top, be it dress or blouse, is low cut again playing on a “gray” border that does not exist, except in the minds of those who have difficulty taking the extra step. Is this easy? With love and desire, yes it can become easy as you have said before. Too many blouse tops are left unbuttoned so as to look like one is not “prudish.” And they say, well it lays closed most of the time. Well, with natural movement it opens and creates a V-gap towards ones bosom. And we aren’t necessarily talking about one button left undone but more of two or three. If a blouse neck chokes, use a safety pin to ease the confinement, but don’t leave it just open. It easily goes to below two-finger breathes and again we are playing on the border and we do fall, myself included. PPXII said it is well and good to dress within the times we live; HOWEVER, if he said that once how many more times did he decry the horrible fashions that were leading the good women to destruction. I am not shouting nor judging anyone, only trying to say how dangerous it is for all of us women to play on the border of such a serious virtue, one so close to Our lady. God bless, Mary

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Hi Mary,
      Thank you for your kind comments and insight. It is true we cannot take half measures towards God. It is true though that so many of us have fallen when we are just beginning. Thinking something is okay when it is not. I think we must realize that we all make mistakes, even those of us being modest for a long time. And we must forgive little mistakes and always be sure we are moving forward. We can always do better, each day.
      God bless you and our Lady guide you,
      Author: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more…

  2. Deborah Spaulding Avatar
    Deborah Spaulding

    Your so right Rita, it is a matter of what people will think that makes some not dress modestly. Since I started wearing skirts and dressing modest 10 years ago, I have found that most people do not even notice if you wear the same skirt two days in a row. I feel more lady like and it is so much cooler in the summer months, since I live in Fl.. You can make your own or shop at thrift stores which is what I did in the beginning, when I was wearing plus size. Still to this day and 50 pounds, lighter, I still get most of my skirts from the thrift store.

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Beautiful Deborah!!
      Congratulations on the weight loss too!!!
      Yes, it’s true, people don’t notice as much as we think really. And in 100+ F here I am plenty warm in winter and cool in summer too.
      God bless you for staying true to modesty!
      Author: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more…

  3. Lisa Avatar

    Rita, I am getting so much out of your writings lately..knowing your situation and that you are trying to help others and staying focused on God.

    I have that “one” skirt (actually I have more), but it’s a daily skirt that I almost always wear’s a jeans’s kinda like wearing jeans out for me, but with modesty..I switch up the shirt of course..and although I am a little tired of it after a couple of years, I really didn’t care too much about what others thought of me wearing it often. Would they think the same if someone wore the same pair of jeans? Maybe not. I think I might like to have a few of the same piece of clothing so I didn’t have to think about it..just grab it and go..I think too much emphasis (esp. for women) is put on what we wear! As a single mom, frankly I just don’t have time for worrying about it! If it meant more to me, I’m sure I would make time. If others judge me for that, that’s on them. If they won’t be friendly because of it, well, maybe they’re missing out..but I do hope that God helps change women’s mindsets about dress. I think probably most are dressing to please men, whether they’re married or not. And that’s part of the problem too.

    I am interested in that skirt pattern if you can share it. My 12 year old daughter knows more about sewing than I do..but I am determined to make the time and learn!

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Hello Lisa!
      I’m so glad your getting so much out of my writings lately!!!

      That is so GREAT you are enjoying your ONE skirt! That is a great step that you can be so comfortable without worrying what others thing about you in the same skirt! Bravo! 🙂
      Once you get past the first steps about dressing modestly it does really free you in choosing clothes easier.

      Thanks for sharing with everyone! That is great your 12 year old daughter knows how to sew!
      Have you read my book, Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue? Is that the pattern you mean?

      God bless you and your daughter!
      With love,
      Rita Xo 🙂
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue (2001) and more! 🙂

  4. melissa babin Avatar
    melissa babin

    Hi Rita,
    Thanks for writing this it always brings me to this struggle I have. I live in northern maine where the degrees falls well into 20 below zero in the winter and I freeze. 4 years ago I read your book and vowed to God that I would wear dresses/skirts to church always and I do and so does my daughter. Although we live on a farm and I have tried to shovel stalls and it does not work well for me. My skirt gets dirty and full of poop. Which is yucky. When snow falls that is another struggle I am constantly cold, I just don’t know what to wear underneath to keep myself warm, I have put leggings but that only keeps me warm depending on the degrees. I am a plus sized woman and try not to look more big than I already am although I am cold and wonder if there is something I can wear that can make my winter wearing skirts easier and more warmer. Thanks for your input and for doing God’s work! God Bless! Melissa

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Hello Melissa!
      So good to hear from you! I”m so glad that you have shared your struggles with me.
      LIving in Canada, we often get easily -20F here at times as well. Right now it’s already 40F and seems our summer is all but over! So I truly know what it is like to be cold in a skirt!
      I did write an article about Winter dressing HERE
      That might give you some tips and if not I’d be happy to answer more there.
      I too am plus size, so I know what you mean about not wanting to look any bigger than we already are! All I would say there, is regardless of how large we are (I’m hovering from 20W to 22W) it helps to dress comfortable and then to ‘forget’ ourselves so we don’t worry about what we are wearing so much.
      I often wear wool petticoats under my skirts and that is often enough to keep me warm for extended times.
      I am not cleaning poop out there though and so I would think you would want to have an overskirt you could put over or even a long apron to wear to cover the front of your skirt. This would only keep off the worst of the poop-y stuff! But, think of it this way, if you were wearing jeans, they would get just as poop-y! No? So all you need is some good tough denim skirts with plenty of space so you can have enough room to bend easily however you need. And easy wash up later, without ruining a dressier skirt.
      I hope this helps a little bit. I’m always happy to help so if you have any more questions do please let me know!
      God bless you,
      Rita 🙂
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and more!

  5. Jacinta Boudreau Avatar
    Jacinta Boudreau

    Yesss great post! Its like St Luke. Chapter 12, verse 4-10.

    “And I say to you, my friends: Be not afraid of them who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will shew you whom you shall fear: fear ye him, who after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say to you, fear him.
    Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? Yea, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: you are of more value than many sparrows. And I say to you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God. But he that shall deny me before men, shall be denied before the angels of God. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but to him that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven.’

    If we strive to do God’s will; there is nothing we shall want of, that we truly need. 🙂

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you Jacinta,
      So glad you enjoying so many of my articles…
      It’s so true…we just have to get over the fear to change our wardrobes and we realize the graces that flow to us.

      I can’t wait to share this message of real Catholic modesty with the world!
      God bless you,
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) returns from the ashes!

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