Well, lent is in full swing, and so far I’ve survived the sugar detox… I really was hoping this would be a good lent. You know, the one when it’s all over you breathe a sigh of relief, because, all those rules are finally relaxed and the joy that fills your heart both literally and spiritually? Well, I say, God just KNEW what He was doing, didn’t He?
Anyhow, often my Lent means I trudge through and by the time Easter comes I don’t have that great relief because I”ve forgotten all the plans and feel deflated… you know what I mean?
So this year, I got the idea (well I really think God gave me this idea!) to read from a book on Meditations on the Passion from 1915… You see, I have a thing for old books, I mean really old books. They just smell so nice and even look pretty all yellowed and such… yeah I might be a little wierd I know? 🙂 So I didn’t know what I was getting into but I committed to this both for myself and turns out for everyone watching love it!
I know many of you are not on Facebook so I can’t put them all here, but here is one for you. If you can, come on over and watch others. I am trying to go live at 8pm EST daily for reading til Easter. (The least you can do is pray for me!)
We are discovering neat points to ponder from St Peter being a sleepy disciple, to Judas and how much mercy Jesus showed him…
The first day I read, my video was sideways the whole time. Lord have mercy!
The next day there was another hiccup..it seems every day has something or another. So I’ve taken to praying before we start reading. It’s so popular we are already talking about reading from another book after this!
Let me know what you think? and if you can join me live on Facebook please do!
Praying your lent is a blessed one!
With much love,
Rita xxo
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