My friends it is with a heavy heart beyond words, I share that we lost our home, our business, our entire livelihood last Friday (July 19th 2013) with a fire.
We barely got out with our lives. Just 45 min later our entire house was done. We are thankful God found reason to spare us and our 4 boys, three with autism. The devil was mighty upset for our work i guess.
I’m hope you don’t mind my posting this and asking for your prayers and support. We had no insurance and rebuilding our lives will be a huge job. Rebuilding ‘Little Flowers Family Press’ will be an even larger job. But, if God wills it, this won’t be the last from us.
As we try to make sense of our life, we cling to God, who is our ‘all’ now that all our earthly possessions have been stripped away. In His mercy, He has saved us from destruction, for a purpose.
Below are local news stories and information on a trust fund and fundraising efforts for us.
Please share as you are able. Thank you all for listening. I love you all.
Local Article online
Davidson Family Trust Facebook page
Facebook Local Community gathers to help
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