My apologies… to the Men


My apologies… to the Men

by Rita Davidson

I should  have addressed this ‘to the husbands’ but i think this is better addressed to ALL ‘Catholics”. Let me explain. It started by getting this email the other day;

Mrs. Davidson, I’m the husband of *** ***, who is one of your email broadcast recipients.  While scanning the photos, as a man I could not help but notice that “Penny” is herself immodestly dressed, in super-tight pants which draws my eyes right to her nice little tush, and she looks young enough to be my granddaughter.  Just thought that this was at cross-purposes with your new book on immodesty.


Mr X is writing about my last blog post about “Behind the Scenes Photo Shoot” that you can read here.

I did have some reservations for posting these pictures. After all I DO agree with Mr. X that Penny’s clothing was “contrary” to the purpose of my book which is about “modesty”. So, I first would like to apologize sincerely to the men or anyone scandalized by that post. I sincerely put it up with my own reservations and perhaps in my excitement my judgement was bad. And I take my responsibility to you all with great weight. But I hope I can bring a better good out of this. Let’s study this.

From this letter we surmise Mr. X is old enough to be a grandfather, (forgive me if I’m wrong Mr. X!). My point being he is not a flippant, twenty-something dad. His letter was appropriately addressed to “Mrs.” AND polite and MODEST!

  1. The first thing I always find with people trying to correct immodesty is the ANGER associated with the correction and the IMMODEST language used. My friends, modesty is NOT just about modesty in DRESS is it? Hate the SIN, love the SINNER. Mr. X calmly and modestly corrected this situation. Thank you!

Men, as much as you may get angry at the senseless immodesty everywhere today. Be kind, be modest in your language and be patient with your wives, your daughters us sometimes stubborn ladies. 🙂

Ladies, for those of you that STILL think tight pants, leggings and other immodest wear is still okay. Think again. Here is right from the ‘men’s mouth’ how this type of clothing is for men to view. Contrary to what you might be thinking, this does not make him a pervert or any other things you would like to call him. But a man, with God endowed abilities to be naturally attracted to women.

2. Ladies, this puts a great responsibility on all of us. Remember it was Eve who temped Adam in the garden. (if you read my book you know this) It is us women that hold the power to uplift men or drag them down.

“The judgement of God upon your sex endures even today; and with it inevitably endures your position of criminal at the bar of justice. You are the gateway of the devil.” Tertullian on Women’s Dress

With great power comes great responsibility. Ladies, what will you choose?

Reality is, we are NOT living in a Catholic or even Christian society. We all must live IN the world and not be OF the world. So my next question is, where would I have found a Catholic photographer to do these pictures in my yard? On top of that if I found a CATHOLIC photographer, who is to say she would not rebel against having to be modest too! You see as a woman I don’t want a male photographer either. See the dilemma here? Catholics can be one of the WORST for misunderstanding modesty.

So, while the ideal would have been a modest photographer, it would be ideal to be served at restaurants, hospitals, doctors offices, the shopping mall, the dentist, the gas station and MORE by MODEST people. But is that really possible today?

3. This is a sad reminder we are living in a post-Christian world today. While we are striving to keep our faith, remain modest we are all swimming up against the tide. If we keep ourselves living in a little shell of safety with our own “kind” will we ever convert anyone to the Catholic faith? I was the best example of a Catholic I could be for Penny (and anyone else I meet). I was cheerful, modest, and kind. I planted a seed that will hopefully one day sprout. Will you plant a SEED today without WORDS but just your BEST EXAMPLE of modesty?

Whether you know it or not you ARE an example to everyone you meet EVERYDAY. You ARE planting seeds whether you LIKE it or not.

So Ladies, will you carry your cross up high for modesty today? Yes a cross for some of you that find it so irritating, so awkward, so impossible to be modest.

Men, will you practice custody of the eyes wherever you go, realize you are living in a post-Christian world and forgive all those women you meet that do not understand what real catholic modesty is?

Let us ALL work to rebuild a truly Catholic and modest culture, all is NOT lost if we all understand what we are all striving for.

Thank you Mr. X for helping us all understand this issue more in-depth. As I continue to edit and research  my book for October 13th, I only hope it will shed new light on this much confusing issue today. Pray for me.

With love,

Rita Xo 🙂

Rita summer 2015Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys.  Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro with a degree in Natural Health who enjoys essential oils. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their crosses with Joy!
©Copyright 2015 Rita Davidson All Rights Reserved.


2 responses to “My apologies… to the Men”

  1. Amy Avatar

    Yes, you are right. We live in a fallen post Christian world and we would have to shut ourselves up into our homes to try to get away from all of the immodesty that is throughout everyday life. One day while waiting for my son a lady asked me about my modest dress and I was able to help her find a modest slip to wear under a skirt. She did not want to wear her skirt because one could see through it. So we are God’s soldiers teaching the people in the world about God. God bless you. Amy

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you for sharing your story Amy!
      I got a flood of emails to this post, so I think it really struck a chord with many.

      God bless you!
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) saved from the ashes, returns in 2015!

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