My heart is heavy …

I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the Covington Boys ? If Not I invite you to sit down first, and read up on them from these links:


Link to Full Story

now that you’ve caught up on this news and your sitting down… I need to share my heart with you…

This is a travesty of much deeper evils brewing..

I’ve watched the full length videos and read both sides. The Catholic boys were waiting to be picked up by their bus at the Prolife march. (INCIDENTALLY – do you this this whole controversy was planned to take away interest that 650,000 people were at the March for Life!)

They were being “boys” playing around and chanting their school anthem or whatever it’s called when the Indian man approached them and singled out that one boy, Nick Sandmann.

From his admission he had no idea what Mr Phillips (Indian man) intent was so he stood his ground to keep him from moving further into the crowd. He was nervous if you see how hard that man was beating and how close he was to his face. His smile was from being nervous.

Now to get perspective what would have happened if that boy banged a drum in the elder mans face? hmm … I think we can see what’s going on here.

Ironically this has blown up so badly and everyone has forgotten the “black hebrews” that were hurling insults at the boys (and others) called the boys terrible names, (faggots, incest kids, white crackers, racist..) and making fun of the Catholic faith, and insulting blacks and Indians too.

But listen to the insults from another Indian man to the boys – they were telling the boys to “leave this land”, it’s not THEIR LAND it belongs to them (Indians). <Insert shocked face>

Now THAT sounds a lot like the words and anger we seen in South Africa 2018 where they are slaughtering whites there for the same reason. It’s THEIR LAND.

There is a growing worldwide movement of hate towards white people now. How did we get here?!

Those Black Hebrews and this Indian man Mr Phillips were shouting that hatred for all to hear. You can watch a whole hour long video and listen to it painfully yourself HERE.

Ironically it is this boys SMILE that is creating this anger and hate being thrown at them.

Yes the goodness in this boy is what is driving up the hatred and lies. This is what scares me… (more on this in another post).

At the end when the police show up the “black hebrews” sound docile and say they were protected by angels with that “mob surrounding them” yet it was the Black Hebrews that we’re agitating the crowd.

These were trained people. You can’t agitate a crowd like that unless your trained how to argue and manipulate. And the Indian man, Mr Phillips is a professional and has been at other places agitating the crowds.

Other sources say he is not a true elder or a Vietnam vet either. If you read his statements he is lying and manipulative. Something wicked is brewing here people and it makes my heart heavy…

All we need to see is two groups of men, one obviously violent the other questionable and they can’t find fault with them but only the smiling boy is at fault… Can we not see this for what it really is?

What can we do?

1. We must consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate heart of Mary for she is our refuge and our strength. Say your rosary for God to provide us what is needed if the time comes for us, like those boys.

2. PRAY to St Michael DAILY for protection – DAILY

2. Educate yourself and your children about the faith and what’s at stake in this battle.

3. Sign the PETITION for these boys and defend them as well as you can with friends and family and on social media with HASHTAG #istandwithcovington

Sign the petition HERE

And please my friends do not lose hope. PRAY to St Michael daily. We must be willing to use the spiritual weapons at our disposal. Others may scoff at what they cannot see, but we know we have all of Heaven on our side!

* St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our safeguard and protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

With much love,

Rita Xxo

(C)Copyright 2019 Rita Davidson And Little Flowers Family All Rights Reserved.

Amen.* #stmichael #rosaryforprotection #istandwithcovingtoncatholic #eviltimes #godswillbedone


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