I wear skirts but just not a regular thing. It use to be so I can do it, I’m just lazy or something…
Thank you, Rita!!!!“
And for all you who have been donating to our house-fund in thanks for my work for modesty… wow , (THANK YOU!) I mean I never thought my modesty work did much except collect dust on a shelf…
My modesty work sure has never made me rich …haha (but I’ve had my share of crosses because of it) but after 20 years my heart is still on fire to help women see how modesty is so important. And I still struggle why this is so hard for you?
But 20 years of wearing only skirts has taught me a few things that I want to share with you…
Today I want to show you one of my new loves… ?
yes this was before it got cold here. Don’t you love the color hues of this pic? It’s all used clothing except The Lularoe Duster which every women with a few extra pounds needs one !!!
An indoor pic… another busy day in the kitchen… gosh some days I never leave it! (You can see a peak of our kitchen behind me here… still not done.. ) I’ll be revealing it when it’s all done!!! Can’t wait!!
This was another kitchen day and this messy house… just being real. With a house of boys and such a tiny house with no storage it’s hard to hide anything…when renovations are happening.
this was much earlier in the season … sandals! Ohhh I keep thinking just 4months til spring! Haha
Now Can you guess my new love ? ❤️
Shorter skirts!!!
All these pics I’m wearing shorter to the knee pencilskirts LOVE ❤️ and oh my goodness I hated them at first but found they opened up a whole wardrobe of styles for me! Ohhh you couldn’t imagine how exciting this was!!
Now are you surprised?
“Two fingers from the breadth of the throat, scarcely beyond the knee…” is our standard.. and while these skirts meet the “minimum” they still pass for modesty!!
So will you try some shorter skirts today? ?
Why are you not wearing some skirts today?
PLEASE help me understand what you struggle with daily skirts? ?
With much love,
Rita Xxo
Are you seeing these images sideways? If so can you let me know? Thank you!
(C) Copyright 2018 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved
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