O my Lord is for SALE!
By Rita Davidson
Have you ever been gripped by a sinking in your stomach that something is so wrong, so out of place? I just got that this morning going through my Facebook feed (which I don’t recommend) and finding this post.
“TO BE DEMOLISHED: HIGH ALTAR AND AMBO TO MEET DOOM IF NOT PURCHASED BY WEEKS END!! Altar is 8ft x 12 THe assembled altar is an example of what it would look like together. Needs good cleaning and touchup. Easy adaptability to Latin mass. ASKING $6000 OBO.”
What looked like a popular rare post, I was hoping one of the priests we know might scoop it up. But on further looking I found this is not the first altar this place had for sale. No this is just one of dozens, perhaps hundreds.
Not only that, but on further look there are pre-owned statues, altars, monstrance’s!
If you keep scrolling through their Facebook or website and you will see all kinds of marble altars some with dust, sitting in warehouses with things behind them.
But this one post really struck a cord with me. If you read the comments underneath it is very telling:
After multiple posts of others asking if this can be donated, you see repeated posts by the ‘company’ saying,
“The owner wants to sell. I am selling on consignment. IF he doesnt get what he wants then hes crushing it. ITs not a big deal to him as hes not religious and hes getting more money from the demo of the building”
What does this tell us? You mean the owner of this antique altar is “bribing” Catholic people to come up with $6000 for him to hand this over, otherwise he will crush it? Wow, do we really see the depth of this?
Let me explain;
This owner is NOT CATHOLIC
He is in charge of a Church that he is demolishing. Taking down, taking apart, removing, DESTROYING! (How does someone of NO faith get control of a Catholic Church? Can you see the devils hand in this?!)
This altar means NOTHING to him, he’s not religious, he just wants money from the bits and pieces but $6000 from this expensive marble (that to us is of infinite value)? He has reduced this beloved Altar that Our Lord laid His head to rest on, and now is doing worse than selling in the temple, that Our Lord hated so much. He is selling the resting place of Our Lord!
I can’t tell you how saddened this has made me this morning. It’s not like I didn’t know this went on, but to see it in full color really brings out the devastation that is now the Church.
If any of you were still unaware that this has been going on, I apologize for the abrupt reality today. If anyone doesn’t believe me take a look at this comment from the Wanderer,
“In 2008, the Diocese of Allentown, Pa., merged and consolidated 151 parishes into 104 and moved everything from the 47 closed churches into a warehouse. The following year, it began selling pews, kneelers, altars, ambos, vestments, monstrances, candleholders, stained-glass windows and more to other parishes. “ 1
Have you recovered yet from reading that? 47 closed Churches in the Diocese of Allentown, PA
Oh my Lord! Mercy!
What does this tell us? Let me explain.
Didn’t Our Lady of Fatima say in 1917, “The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be destroyed…But in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
The good ARE being martyred – see 85-year-old Fr. Jacques Hamel, a French priest who was murdered July 26 by Islamic extremists while offering Mass. 2.
The Holy Father will have much to suffer – all we see is chaos in the Vatican, one breath condemning those that hold to tradition, another breath that Islam is not violent. There is no truth left there with so much confusion. This is a whole other blog post that I won’t get into here today. 2.
Various Nations will be destroyed – we see this already, but the greatest Nation that is being destroyed is LOVE OF GOD, the CHURCH MILITANT. This is the greatest loss today. How could 47 Churches close in ONE Diocese if there were faithful Catholics worshipping there? Where are the true Catholic souls that love God today?
This is why there is so much violence and chaos in the world and the Church. There are not enough prayers, and penance by the faithful to overcome the Satanic confusion that has gripped the Church and emptying our Churches!
Let us pray more and leave our sins BEHIND. Understand we will NOT see the corruption leave this Church until YOU and ME decide we will not let it continue any longer. It’s not up to anyone else but YOU and ME. Not the priest, not your friend, not your mother, not another family, but YOUR RESPONSE.
I beg this will wake up those souls that will become great furnaces of love for Our Lord and make reparation so that Our Lady will repair the Church – her Immaculate Heart WILL TRIUMPH. In this we must TRUST.
With love,
Rita xo 🙂
COURTESY OF OUR SUNDAY VISITOR 7-29-2012 http://www.fynderskeepers.com/articles.html
Did Pope Francis really say Islam is not violent? https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/did-francis-really-say-catholics-are-as-violent-as-islamic-terrorists
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro with a degree in Natural Health who enjoys essential oils. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their crosses with Joy!
©Copyright 2016 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.
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