Our Lady’s Prayer Warriors
After our Catholic Book Chats on my Facebook page during Lent and the conversations we had there, it became obvious a group like this was needed.
With the worries of this virus, and then the anxieties, and the estranged children, and the financial worries, we all have crosses to carry that are so unique to each of us.
Women in particular have a unique purpose in the world today. While society would have us believe feminists have freedom and we are repressed, it’s actually the opposite. As faithful Catholic women we have freedom in serving God, through our families and supporting our husbands.
Inspired by St Therese’s little way – we are taking our daily crosses in health, being overweight, anxiety or family estrangement and using those as heroic penances as Our Lady asked at Fatima in 1917.
For this,
“Our Lady’s Prayer Warriors Group” was born.
Will you join us?
United we are so much stronger than on our own. We are women who are empowered by our faith no by our nakedness. We are women who are powerful as Queen of our homes. We are women who need friends on this journey…
We are not alone….we have each other.
If this is what you are looking for… you are HOME.
I’m so glad your with us!
St Michael, Pray for us!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
St Joseph, patron of the Universal Church, pray for us!
©Copyright 2020 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.