Our Lady of Fatima from Portugal!
I was SO excited to get this surprise box on Friday last week. Can you see the box in behind the statue? It’s right from the Fatima Shrine in Portugal!
I wrote them many, many months ago telling them of our fire and our work for Our Lady of Fatima and then promptly forgot about it.
But then last Friday, much to my surprise, I got this box and this sweeeeeet statue!
What came next surprised me even MORE. You see my Facebook page has been growing amazingly lately. So when I shared this picture (above) and my story on my Facebook page it went VIRAL. YES VIRAL!
In just one day over 7500 people had viewed it and commented on it, sharing their LOVE for Our Lady and their STORIES of Our Lady and how much she has done for them! My heart just swelled with the love expressed by this little image and it’s still getting comments HERE if you want to see it.
We have 3900 faithful Catholics on my Facebook page now. Another few days and it will top 4000! I am SO amazed at the faithful Catholics that have joined me to create an amazing Catholic community there. My heart leaped with joy when, because of my Facebook page, one lady who was 82 years old came back to the Sacraments after a 30 year absence! Deo gratias! (She is now one of my dearest friends! 🙂
I am so humbled that God took my simple work and my Facebook page to reach so many. So I want to celebrate!
This week is also special as I continue the final work on my book, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue”. Its getting close to being FINISHED and I have so much NEW research to share with you!
And, I have a PHOTO SHOOT later this week with a local photographer coming for my book release. Can you see why I’m SO excited? (and a BIT NERVOUS!) haha
SO to CELEBRATE I’m giving a full 50% OFF my BRAND new Class
“How to Save your Children from Impurity and Teach them Modesty”
Did you know you can still get a FREE Copy of my book, “Immodesty Satan’s Virtue” there? GO HERE now:
(and anyone who already purchased my new class will be getting a refund for any overpayment! yay!)
AND for anyone wanting to GRAB my FIRST class it’s a full 50% OFF (save $100) This class rarely goes on a sale as deep as this, so grab it while you can.
Organize Your Soul Online Class is here:
I GUARANTEE this will be some of the BEST money you will spend to help you grow and understand your faith so you can save the souls of your children.
But HURRY it EXPIRES September 8th, 2015.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
With love,
Rita 🙂
©Copyright 2015 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.

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