A Letter from Founder Rita Davidson on Modesty & Our Lady of Purity: EST. 1999
Dear Friends in Christ;
Praise be the Most Sorrowful Heart of Mary!
We are a lay-run apostolate that began out of a desire to alert all, especially women, young and old, to the dangers of immodesty. We wish to unite all those women to a sole purpose of making reparation to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts who are so saddened by the rampant immodesty of society today, and especially how offended Our Lord is in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar by having women attend there in such blatant immodest fashions.
It is also in answer to the requests of Our Lady of Fatima and some earlier Popes who asked for an official crusade dedicated to this cause. If we are to have any chance of saving even one soul from falling into hell from sins of the flesh, we must realize that it will only be by our example, prayers and sacrifice. Little Jacinta, one of the seers at Fatima, while dying in a hospital in 1920, was told by Our Lady that “Certain fashions will be introduced which will offend Our Lord very much” and “that sins that lead most souls to hell are the sins of the flesh.” The world today is so blinded to the blatant immodesty that is present in every corner of the media, from TV to magazines, to advertisements. Nothing is free from it any longer. But because it surrounds us so completely, most of us are simply oblivious to it, even faithful Catholics! By this Crusade, we wish to begin a war against this blindness as a late response to Our Lady of Fatima’s request in 1917 which is even more needed today!
This apostolate is dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima, since she will be our guide and model as Mary Most Pure. And it is to Mary, Most Sorrowful that we offer our reparation.
We take as our patron, St. Maria Goretti who was modern-time ‘MARTYR OF PURITY‘ and is patron of youth, and ask for her constant intercession for Our Lady’s Crusade as well as for all members.
‘MARTYRS OF PURITY‘ is our title since we must become a martyr in this day and age to become modest. We will all encounter ridicule, laughing, taunting and more, at one time or another and it is then that we are to realize that we are called to be ‘MARTYRS for Christ’ in our example of Modesty.
We are a Crusade because we are on a crusade to save souls from the sins of immodesty and impurity. Our goal is to educate, through the publishing arm we have Little Flowers Family Press. We also offer our sufferings up for those souls who are in purgatory, especially those there because of sins of impurity and those who are in danger of falling there. Some may feel that what we propose is too ‘radical’ or too ‘far-fetched’, but I say to you that the impurity which has grasped this world will not let go unless we go even further to make up for the lack of purity left in the world. There are some evils that only prayer and fasting will eradicate. We, as members of Our Lady’s Crusade will go ‘overboard’ if needed, so as to make reparation for those who lack in this area.
Just as it was with Adam who followed Eve into sin, I feel that we must be willing to take the first step in modesty if we wish to open the eyes of the world to the wretchedness that it is in. Therefore, it is our purpose as members of this Crusade to make reparation both externally (in our mode of dress and spiritually) by uniting with all our members in prayer. And in this way making satisfaction for all the offenses made against Our Lord, especially present before the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. And certainly Our Lady Most Pure who is so offended by her children whom she warned at Fatima but who did not heed Her warning. In this way, we hope to hasten the Triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart and save souls!
May Our Lady Guide you and may you be open to her call!
God bless you and Mary keep you!
P.S. January 2017 the BRAND NEW Membership will open – For women interested in Prayer, Penance, Modesty and Beauty… and how that fulfills our Vocation as women today.
if you are interested join the list below to be FIRST to hear about it!
Mrs. Rita Davidson, Founder
Our Lady’s League of the Martyrs of Purity Crusade©
a div. of Little Flowers Family Apostolates
©Copyright 1999-2016 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press
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