Pious Recommendation to Our Lady

Pious Recommendation to Our Lady

It is ALWAYS recommended to go to Our Lady. How many of us forget how helpful and caring she is to those of her children, us? I have so much to thank Our Lady for. As I finish up working on my book I am reminded how she has held my hand so many times in the past.

I know so many of you are suffering, carrying heavy crosses and I just wanted to remind you that Our Lady is near.

I posted this beautiful prayer on my Facebook page, and just HAD to share with you. I pray it brings you some comfort and peace to you today!

FBFeb27Place yourself in Our Lady’s hands, and pray, hope and don’t worry! 🙂

May Our Lady bless and comfort you today and always.

With love,

Rita Xo 🙂

12717618_955329111214575_1556987311828504946_nRita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys.  Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro with a degree in Natural Health who enjoys essential oils. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their crosses with Joy!
©Copyright 2016  Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press  All Rights Reserved.



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