Praise Him with the Walls of your House!

Praise Him with the walls of your house

Praise HIM with the walls of your house <love>


Boy I have a lot of catching up to do with you …  sigh

So let’s begin…Before we got our painting started this was our clean palette. A clean slate to get a fresh start. No sooner did we have the lights on in here we had two weeks of company. So that really threw us for a loop. Haha  🙂

But here I am standing at one of our windows wearing a blue Kimono from Additionelle with a shirt from Giant Tiger and a skirt from New Creation apparel. Keep reading below for a surprise !!

Writing scriptures

Have you ever praised God with your walls? There is something so tangible, so satisfying to write Gods praises on your walls. Before we painted I wrote scriptures and prayers on our walls in pencil. Here I’m wearing a Lularoe vest with a Walmart shift dress.

writing scriptures

Praise God with your walls!

Mark His name in the foundation of your house

Just like He should be on the foundation of our souls.

I may have forgotten to show you how we wrote the names of Jesus + Mary +Joseph on the foundation of our house.. one name on each corner. <love> Now their names are permanently there to comfort us on the days ahead.

writing scriptures

What would you want your walls to speak to God ?

scripture on the walls

How would you praise Him and show Him your love?

Who would like my list of scriptures I used? Just reply to this email …

With MUCH love

Rita Xxo


Thanks for reading to the end here for my SURPRISE!!!

many of you ask “where to find modest skirts and clothing?” –  I’ve been thinking long and hard about this…

  • could I start a clothing line?
  • What about if I sold my own clothing from my closet? haha 🙂
  • You know I don’t know why it’s so hard? ….I am swimming in clothes haha 🙂 quite literal pun ! 🙂

So I came up with this….my brand new AMAZON store where you can find my:

  • favorite books,
  • favorite movies and finally… wait for it…
  • some Modest clothing for you!!!!!

Now this isn’t just ANY clothing but fun maxis and Kimonos that I’ve been loving this summer.. (ohhhh but that’s my next blog post..) For now take a peak oh pleeeease and let me know what you think?!? What should I add for you? I’m SOOO excited!!! 🙂

With MUCH love,

Rita xxo 🙂


(*this is an affiliate link that just might give us 0.02cents for sharing what we love with you!)

(C) Copyright 2019 Rita Davidson and Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.


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