Are you FRUSTRATED with Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue delays? Why doesn’t it just START SHIPPING Already?!
I FEEL your pain..I really do. Yesterday I wrote how – “I am SO SICK of “I’m Sorry” and got a flood of emails and comments that got me thinking….. (that can be a dangerous thing) haha
So many of you understand all we’ve been up against…but there are still a few that are worried, concerned and even kinda confused. So, I want to take this time to answer EVERY question you could have about THE book:
- when it’s coming out?
- what is the delay?
- why are you taking my money and not delivering?
- did you think my order was a donation?
- are you EVER going to send that *bleep* BOOK?
- and so much more.
So I’ve come up with a solution to suit us both. I’m going to give you this chance to join me LIVE – YES LIVE to ask YOUR questions!
Ask whatever you need to help you understand WHY this book has been delayed for so long. It’s not what you might think. <gasp>
So JOIN me below so we can connect LIVE together and I can answer YOUR questions. No strings attached, no worries about having to have your hair done…Just join me and I’ll send you the juicy details. 🙂
I’m SO EXCITED! Aren’t you? 🙂
With love,
Rita 🙂
©Copyright 2016 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.