RIP Father Nicholas Gruner


RIP Father Nicholas Gruner

By Rita Davidson

If you haven’t heard the breaking news already, April 29, 2015 Father Nicholas Gruner, passed to his heavenly reward.

The world shook as a great man left this world. He was mostly known for his work for the Consecration of Russia in his life. Whether you liked him or not, we can’t deny he worked tirelessly for his vision.

He was born in Montreal, Canada to a family of 7. He began in the 70’s to promote the message of Fatima thru a publication called the Fatima Crusade. It began as just a paper newspaper of all things, and changed through the years to encompass thousands of leaflets and sacramental’s distributed.

As the Church continues to twist and turn in the throes of it’s suffering, he went from being in good standing to “not” good standing (by some) and in the end, only God knows where he stands now.

Those of us that weep at the state of the Church today fear with him gone who will replace his great work? Surely this is not meant to die with him? I think we can all imagine what forces he has been up against in his life and work. Just do a quick google search on him and you will not only see negative comments but outright mistruths about him too.

This is a troubling time for sure, but not without HOPE!

As for who will follow in his footsteps? I only hope and pray Father Gruner planned this out before he passed away. We will need a very wise, and discerning priest to fill the large shoes of Father Gruner’s work.

I’ve also heard fears that the Chastisement must surely be near at hand now that he is gone. Truly, he was a great man, but only a small pebble in the grand scheme that God has. Do we truly have such little faith in God’s mercies?

For those that loved Father Gruner, pray for the repose of his soul. Let’s not do him an injustice by thinking he is already sitting in heaven, but continue to storm heaven for him. Pray for God to bless a successor if it is God’s will for Father Gruner’s work to go on. And remember, God has not promised us tomorrow, so let us make every single day count.

Resolve to do that one thing that is keeping you from falling into God’s arms. Maybe it is going back to confession, maybe going back to Church. Maybe leaving behind a sin you haven’t wanted to part with. Whatever it is, take that one step closer to God, NOW while you still have time.

May Father Gruner rest in peace, and may we all continue in our hearts the work he started to do by appeasing the wrath of God with our prayers!

Don’t worry, even St Therese was able to do MORE work from heaven, so maybe God has just “promoted” him to a more powerful position. 🙂

Have you met Father Gruner or enjoyed his work? Share with us your stories of him that we can remember his great work by.

With love,

Rita Xo 🙂

Photo of Father Gruner taken from Catholic Family News

©Copyright 2015 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.

RitaBiosmRita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys.  Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro with a degree in Natural Health who enjoys essential oils. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their crosses with Joy!







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