by Rita Davidson
Another Modest Fashion Week at my house … enjoy!
What do I see?! I’m watching birds going into our roof. Hmm that can’t be good?! ??My outfit today is loose.. this is a maxi dress I found used that has a BEAUTIFUL drape. With my @penningtons shirt in gray. What colors are you wearing today?
?#realcatholicbeauty #realcatholicmodesty #modestootd #modestfashionblogger #modestfashion #imageconsultant #plussize #ootd
Can’t start my day without my vitamins – my pink ones match my peonies! Haha that’s my Jamberry Beauty Boost a Multivitamin for women to help with thinning hair and stronger nails! Love it! Pink IS my favorite color?!? ?
??#ilovejamberry #jamberrynails You can get these right HERE
My outfit of the day as Liam and I clear a secret hiding spot in our trees. Haven’t felt this peaceful in months. (See yesterdays post where I beared my soul here) My @penningtons shirt and @gianttigerstore maxi is perfect for trimming trees and garden today. My hair is a mess but oh well… this is a lovely secret garden spot. ?
?#ilovemyboys #realcatholicbeauty #realcatholicmodesty #fashionbloggers #modestootd #modestfashion #modestfashionblogger #ootd #imageconsultant
Beautiful overcast day today THANKFULLY since it’s 70F with 84%humidity! I am LOVING this @penningtons shirt so cool in blue and white. With my @theaddedtouch denim skirt. Spent yesterday planning out repairs and addition on this place for much needed room. Today will I am blessed with HOPE! And sharing it with YOU! ?
?#imageconsultant #modestfashionblogger #ootd #modestfashion #modestootd #realcatholicbeauty #realcatholicmodesty #plussizefashion #plussize
Rita xxo
I help Catholic women discover beauty in modesty –
Beauty is my love language. Do you have trouble putting together outfits? Have a hard time picking out clothes? Tired of either spending too much money on stuff you don’t wear or not having the money to wear what you want? Contact me on my Contact page HERE and I’ll be happy to set up a Consultation with you. I LOVE to help Catholic moms look their best, on a budget, without stress!
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro, Certified Christian Image Stylist. With a degree in Natural Health she enjoys essential oils & Jamberry Nail Wraps. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their cross with JOY!
©Copyright 2017 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.
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