Hello my friends!
Wow, another week has passed again? I’m not sure about you, but time is passing us by so swiftly….are you making every day count? Are you giving all the love to your loved ones? Forgiving every fault you can? Being patient with those that irritate us? Finding JOY in the small things so that life is never dull? Being modest even if it’s not popular? I Hope you are working everyDAY on your soul and making it count. I will soon be opening up Our Lady’s Crusade…and I am praying for some generous souls to join me there…will you?
Here is my Modest Fashion Week 4….another week of modest fashion that you can copy or inspire you to dress modestly yet beautifully.
Another beautiful day (rain is expected ?) so my outfit today is one I can put on and forget it. I love that. Maxi dress from @theaddedtouch so comfy with a extra light sweater from my favorite @penningtons I just love clothes that drape so well. The cut of your clothing makes all the difference for comfort and style. I hope you have a colourful, courageous day today!
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There’s nothing like an outfit of the day with my favorite boy!! He ran up to me just as this was taken! My sweet boy who just lost his second tooth – oh my growing soooo fast! ?I will miss those sweet small teeth that kept him as a baby. But time waits for no one so onward we go! My outfit is a @penningtons shirt that I love plus this @walmart maxi that is always comfy and stylish. @penningtons bracelets which I LOVE and as always Jamberry Nails to finish off my outfit. This was all just before rain started to fall. Oh my… lol
?#ootd #modestfashionblogger #plussizefashion #realcatholicbeauty #imageconsultant #realcatholicmodesty #jamberrynails #modestootd
It’s RAINING again!! But This new @walmart maxi dress makes up for every type of weather! Paired with a sweater it creates a leaner look with the vertical sides! (A slimming tip gals!) here’s to a COLORFUL day for your rainy day! ?
✔️ and Jamberry Nails!
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It’s raining again… but who cares LOL … this ultra comfy outfit @walmart maxi in army green and @gianttigerstore striped tank with a navy @halftee is perfect for a humid day. Let no one say modesty can’t be fashionable! Would you wear this? Why or why not?! ??
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SATURDAY July 1st –
May the precious blood of Our Lord Jesus, bless our countries on Canada Day and July 4th. Happy Canada Day! GOODMORNING ! ?
Boo-hoo-hoo it’s raining on Canada Day! Walking barefoot in the grass (no sense of wearing shoes with all this water!) my outfit today – is what it is..the most red I’ll have this Canada Day with my @penningtons shirt and @halftee in red. Paired with my (mournful?) black pencil skirt from @penningtons . Still not woken up today, seems I need a pot more of coffee. ☕️
?must be all this rain… I think I’ll do some praying, put on some HAPPY Jamberry Nails and wash my hair. That sounds like a day…
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There you have it….another week of modest fashion…do you STILL think it’s impossible to be modest in skirts/dresses daily? Post below. It’s been 18 years since I’ve worn any pants…I challenge you to do what Our Lady asked for at Fatima and be modest! Tell me what day was YOUR favorite?
Until next week, sending my best wishes for July 4th to my USA friends,
and let us pray for our countries who are so in need of our prayers and penances,
with love,
Rita xxo
I help Catholic women discover beauty in modesty – Beauty is my love language. Do you have trouble putting together outfits? Have a hard time picking out clothes? Tired of either spending too much money on stuff you don’t wear or not having the money to wear what you want? Contact me on my Contact page HERE and I’ll be happy to set up a Consultation with you. I LOVE to help Catholic moms look their best, on a budget, without stress!
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro, Certified Christian Image Stylist. With a degree in Natural Health she enjoys essential oils & Jamberry Nail Wraps. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their cross with JOY!
©Copyright 2017 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.
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