by Rita Davidson
Hey my friends…
It’s been a lengthy absence… I apologize for not getting out some posts sooner. My Fashion Week posts from last week never materialized did they? Seems with my mom getting hospitalized, then discharged from the hospital, the finding out her glass lens was missing, and getting the hospital to pay for it took up my energy. Then bursitis started in my hand, and some other irritating non-specific health issues, my time got away from me. But I’ve been telling myself I REALLY need to start writing again. I keep putting it off, but you know a writer must write. And even though I’ve discovered a late LOVE of FASHION…. my soul still belongs to God, and therefore I’m going to start writing more again too. So here is my week and a half…. Rita’s Modest Fashion Week 7.5 for you….
July 19th….Wednesday Before… (4th anniversary of our house fire July 2013)
My outfit of the day!! WHAT? You say? ? well this was my outfit exactly FOUR years ago TODAY that I walked out of my home for the last time as it burnt to the ground. THIS outfit was everything I owned. We left with nothing else but our LIVES. In one second our lives changed forever and we were homeless and having to rebuild 30years worth of memories and belongings… we still have precious hardrives and papers to restore in hopes of seeing our babies photos again.. that plus our house repairs and improvements. But we are so grateful for how far we have come even if it has been terribly slow…all in Gods good time. Never give up hope on God for with Him nothing is Impossible!
?#davidsonfamilytrust #fire2013 #hope #fashionblogger #modestootd #imageconsultant
Friday Before.. (still visiting my mom in hospital all week)
Ooh my gosh… my Canadian winter blood is starting to thaw.. ? 84F here and 60% humidity and I’m tired! Just stopped at the hospital for my mom…she’s doing a bit better and thinking of discharging her. But I’m fighting to be sure she has the home care needed first! Please pray! My outfit today is thanks to @halftee in coral and @gianttigerstore blouse.. (I needed the color pick-me-up!) and a stretch denim skirt from New Creation Apparel. Seems it’s warming up everywhere isn’t it?
?#fashionstylist #modestfashionblogger #realcatholicmodesty #realcatholicbeauty #modestootd #plussizemodel #plussizefashion #plussize #halfteeclub #imageconsultant #ootd #dementiaawareness
Hey my friends… my outfit today is comfy…just a quiet day at home, doing hours of paperwork and waiting on news for my moms discharge from the hospital…this is my crowded porch behind me (the better view is the other way! Haha) the temperature is so lovely today…humidity is down. Top and Maxi both from @gianttigerstore today. What’s for supper? We are heating up some leftovers here to eat out on this porch! ?
??#ootd #modestootd #modestfashion #plussize #plussizefashion #realcatholicbeauty #realcatholicmodesty #imageconsultant #fashionblogger #fashionstylist
My friends who have been praying!! My mom is finally HOME! Praise God! Just picked her up and she is settled!!! Now we await her care plan and supporting her with more support if needed. Thank you all and I’ll update you as needed. Thank you all!! Xxo ?
?#dementiaawareness #dementia
Sitting with my mom… she’s not having a great day transitioning from the hospital. So hoping the next few days show some improvement for her. But she still has a small smile so had to get her a selfie where she can see herself and smile again. Thank you for any prayers you can spare. ?
? #dementiaawareness #momwithdementia
Almost didn’t get a picture today. Im wearing my go to velvet skirt @coldwatercreek Plus @penningtons Shirt that my husband shrunk on me (yes again!gotta keep that man outta my laundry! Haha ? ) and a @sears_canada Leopard sweater cause it’s COOL today! Yay! that is always ready for my unpredictable days like today. New schedule for my moms care plan today so have been busy with that. And didn’t get enough rest but hoping my mom will be back to herself soon. The hospital lost one lens of her glasses so she can’t wear those so is out of sorts and can’t walk unassisted right now so your prayers are appreciated! THANK YOU my friends for uplifting us with your prayers!! You are amazing for your concern, and messages that just warm my heart!
? #dementiaawareness #imageconsultant #ootd #plussize #plussizefashion #realcatholicbeauty #realcatholicmodesty #modestootd #modestfashionblogger
Playing with some new color combos today for my Jamberry Nail Wraps! Loving these colors… anyone who wants a FREE sample of these Nail Wraps (not as pictured necessarily ) just DM me with your address?! I promise you’ll love them too! ??
?#realcatholicbeauty #jamberrynails #imageconsultant
They are called Tuscan Sunset (with Beach Chair that is out of print) Get these colorful nails right here and have a Free Application Demo with me!
Lookie lookie at this gorgeous weather!!! 71F and overcast… ahhh just how I like it. ?wearing a @penningtons shirt with a navy @halftee and yes you guessed it my favorite skirt! (Eek am I wearing it too much?) lol and yes I’m barefoot again… the weather is just asking for it I guess.
?#ootd #imageconsultant #modestfashion #realcatholicbeauty #realcatholicmodesty #modestfashionblogger #modestootd
Oooh loving my new nails today. Happy nails make me smile on a hard day… seems crazy but it just does. Life for us women should be beautiful everyday. What do you think? ??
?#morningmeditation #imageconsultant #realcatholicbeauty
You can have these nails too….get them right here –
Hello my friends! Not feeling so great today… but who says you can’t have some COLOR?! Some times when we feel awful we gravitate to dull colors that match our mood. My secret to happiness? dress OPPOSITE to how you FEEL. So I’ll grab BRIGHT colors that can make me SMILE, (that plus a nap!) on the hardest days haha ? my outfit today is a maxi dress from @walmart I LOVE with a @penningtons fascia shirt. Easy, and comfy for napping if needed. Stay cool and stay HEALTHY my friends!
??#modestfashion #modestfashiontip #imageconsultant #ootd #modestootd #modestfashionblogger #realcatholicbeauty #realcatholicmodesty #plussizemodel #plussizefashion #plussize
My sweet boy ? brings JOY to my hard days and exhausts me with his energy on my good days! Such a BIG heart he has… please whisper a prayer for him today in thanks for God saving him from our house fire. Surely God has big plans for him one day.
?#ilovemyboys #givingthanks #jesusandmarymylife #lifeismeanttobebeautiful
I help Catholic women discover beauty in modesty – Beauty is my love language. Do you have trouble putting together outfits? Have a hard time picking out clothes? Tired of either spending too much money on stuff you don’t wear or not having the money to wear what you want? Contact me at rita at littleflowersfamilypress at yahoo dot com and I’ll be happy to set up a Consultation with you. I LOVE to help Catholic moms look their best, on a budget, without stress!
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro, Certified Christian Image Stylist. With a degree in Natural Health she enjoys essential oils & Jamberry Nail Wraps. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their cross with JOY!
©Copyright 2017 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.
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