ROSARY TIME!!! Praying for your needs NOW and for PEACE!


ROSARY TIME!!! Praying for your needs NOW and for PEACE!

Almost every night on my Facebook page, I put out this request. And I pray for peace and everyone including anyone who read my blog, supports our work or follows us! That means YOU!

So while we are always asking you for your prayers, we wanted to give you a chance to tell us your needs and intentions! So, while we pray our rosary for you tonight, won’t you join us and put your intentions here, where we can all pray for you too!?

 Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Will you pleeeaze pray for us!

Thank you!!!

God bless you all,

With love,

Rita Xo 🙂

IMG_0905Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!



9 responses to “ROSARY TIME!!! Praying for your needs NOW and for PEACE!”

  1. Alyssa Lehmann Avatar
    Alyssa Lehmann

    Please pray for my 15 year old son, Herbert. He was kicked while playing goalie in a soccer game and will have surgery Wednesday morning (Sept 10) to fix the compound fracture of his collar bone.
    Thank you & God bless!

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you Alyssa,
      Oh I’m so sorry to hear of his injury!
      We’ll be praying for you all and hope the surgery goes well!
      GOd bless you,
      Rita 🙂
      Author: published author of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” 2001, and more!

  2. Dave B. Avatar
    Dave B.

    Hi Rita and family:
    Thanks for the offer to pray for us. As a father of 4 I have been out of work for 5 months, and have many financial needs. Plus, discernment as to what to do with the abundant Christian/Catholic music and spiritual writings God has given to me.


    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Thank you Dave for trusting us with your needs!
      I am honored to pray for you and your work.

      God bless you!
      ~Rita 🙂
      Author: published author of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” 2001, and more!

  3. Laura Avatar

    Please pray for my son Christopher having a difficult time in school. That my husband continues have a job so that we can pay our bills. My family and children also.

    Please if you share don’t include names for others to know not sure if you’ll share or not. Thank you so much

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Praying for you Laura!
      Thank you for trusting us with your intentions!
      No sharing names! 🙂
      God bless you,
      Rita Xo 🙂
      Author: published author of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” 2001, and more!

  4. Amy Avatar

    Please pray for our church. There is a very wealthy man that wants to push our church off some land he wants. He tells us he has lots of money and will use his wealth and power to have us closed down so he can take the land.

  5. Joyce Bogovic Avatar
    Joyce Bogovic

    Please pray for my daughter, her husband and their four young children 4 to 7, who ALL HAVE LYME DISEASE. She is the breadwinner of the family, plus she has all the stress of getting her family well. It
    is getting to be too much for her to bear. She burst out crying while driving back from the nutritionist
    as she was telling me that the children cannot eat bread, sugar, milk, grain, or starches. The challenge
    just to make their lunch box is mind boggling. I beg for prayers to give her strength. She has tremendous faith in God.

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Dear Joyce,
      They will surely be in our prayers here! We are dairyfree, glutenfree, so no bread, no milk, and no sugar here, and limited starches here! It is overwhelming at first, but it’s not so hard! If you take a look at my blog you will find some recipies. It’s a simple as making meat and vegetables! Please let her know it can work, it does get easier! I would be happy to help her if she would like to contact me?
      Praying for the restoration of their health and strength for her crosses!
      God bless you all,
      Rita Xo 🙂
      Author of the bestselling, Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue 2001 and more!

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