ROSARY TIME!!! Praying for your needs NOW and for PEACE!
Almost every night on my Facebook page, I put out this request. And I pray for peace and everyone including anyone who read my blog, supports our work or follows us! That means YOU!
So while we are always asking you for your prayers, we wanted to give you a chance to tell us your needs and intentions! So, while we pray our rosary for you tonight, won’t you join us and put your intentions here, where we can all pray for you too!?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Will you pleeeaze pray for us!
Thank you!!!
God bless you all,
With love,
Rita Xo 🙂
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!
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