We are at War
This War is for your faith and your family
by Rita Davidson
We see the birds of the air, and the sun shining. We see the warmth of our family and the joy of our friendships.
But, look at little further: we are at war.
All you need to do is take a look at the world today. Look at the statistics for abortion today. Their blood is running in the streets, you just can’t see it. They scream to heaven for justice.
Look at laws being enacted giving license to impurity. See the world being turned upside down. See how wrong is made right; when we see unlawful marriages being made legal, and abortion was recently made illegal to discuss in Catholic schools in Canada.
We see how right is being made wrong, when faithful Catholics are being put in jail for praying at an abortion clinic. How faithful Catholics are being attacked because society thinks we are the reason for violence against women.
Just listen to the propaganda being spit out by governments about Catholics and how abortion is about a ‘right to choose’.
We live in a world now; where wrong is right and right is being made wrong.
Who else would give us such diabolical confusion other than the devil himself? Turning the world into HIS playground, where strife and impurity run rampant. And His biggest prize is the Catholic faith.
If you don’t believe me, just look at the average Catholic today. Many Catholics today do not realize that the Church requires us to not eat meat on Friday. Others do not realize that we are not to do laundry on Sunday, a holy day. Others follow astrology and horoscopes today not realizing they too have been forbidden by the Church for our own protection. How is it that good and faithful Catholics can be so unaware of basic Catholic teaching ?
Well, the devil has not been resting I can tell you that. We are at war and I can tell you it is going to be deadly. For this war is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers.
We are at war, when we see the devastation of souls in the Catholic Church that cannot defend their faith, nor can they understand a basic teaching of what it means to be Catholic.
How has this happened? Have you ever heard of the frog in the boiling water ? Frogs are placed in water and the water is warmed up slowly, until it reaches such a temperature that the frogs realize the danger too late to escape. This is what we are looking at today. The pieces are set. This is the great war of our time. The time is coming when our faith will not longer be able to be lived as it is today. Do you see the rate that common-sense is being destroyed today? The blatant disregard for the faith in art circles, in the media and now in governments. Do you really think they will leave our faith alone too? Think again.
The time has come for us to stand up and fight. This is a war, and you cannot wait to be enlisted. Step up to the plate and do your duty to defend your faith and your family. We are not all called to be combat soldiers, but do not be content by sitting on the sidelines.
We are all called to fight in this war. The devil goes about seeking who he may devour. Do you think he is sitting there doing nothing? Do you think he will leave us and the Church alone? Don’t you remember he was so brazen as to tempt Our Lord Himself!
Would he leave us alone? Leave us where we are comfortable and cozy ?
We are so horrified by what society is doing, but what about what has happened in the Church? The casualties of this war are the aimless souls that call themselves Catholic, but have no idea what that really means. Where is our anger, where is our rage! What has been done to the Church today, is far more signifigant than what has been done in the world. Watch carefully the attacks you witness against the Church. But don’t sit there aimlessly and watch. Prepare yourselves for the battle ahead. Gather your weapons for war. We are all fighting and our weapon is The Rosary.
We cannot be content to do nothing, we must stand up and fight. Your rosary is the most important tool you have. Don’t just say it aimlessly. Don’t mumble. Don’t just say it when it’s convenient, but say it devoutly. Say it daily.
Learn how to pray the rosary with our family and learn how to say it daily. This is your responsibility as part of this war. We have to say our rosary to fight the enemies of Christ. We have to say our rosary to push back the darkness. Our Lord said, that the Children of the world, are wiser than the children of light. So we must be wise as serpents in this battle.
Live the life of a faithful Catholic. Learn how to be a practical Catholic by reading books that will teach you. Learn how to stand up and defend our Church. And say your rosary.
If we don’t do it, someday we will have no faith left. Look at Russia. There is no Catholic faith in Russia.
If you are content with seeing your children leave the faith, then do nothing.
Our lady has promised us the graces needed for salvation, at the hour of death to those that say the rosary daily. She herself said, “My Immaculate Heart will triumph.“
Question is where: will we be on that triumph?
Will Our Lady triumph because of us, in spite of us or without us ?
Are you going to be actively motivated to save our Church and to save your souls?
The rosary is what we have to do. We are at war. Moreso than WWII and we have become complacent. Go and see the casualties of this war. The broken families, the aimless Catholics, the promiscuous Catholics, and the rampant killing of children with abortion.
If we do nothing, we will have nothing. Let us pray the rosary and pray it with great intention and devotion. This is the tool given to us by Our Lady to save our souls. The rosary is the one weapon we can depend on in temptation or danger. Conquer first yourself. Then use the rosary that first conquered heresy. Use your rosary and be sure at the end of your life, it is well worn from your lifelong devotion.
Will you now say your rosary and be part of our Lady’s Triumph?
©Copyright 2012 Rita Davidson All Rights Reserved.
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