What will fix the Church today?
By Rita Davidson
I had an interesting conversation recently after asking this question on my Facebook and Twitter pages. I want to share those answers with you today.
From my Twitter answers ranged from:
Confession and Holy Communion from Annie, Rosary and Scapular, and Get rid of the heretics…
From my Facebook, there was:
Jesus second coming, Traditional Latin mass, prayers, rosaries and then from Deborah, “every person fully living their Roman Catholic faith… and Mother Mary’s Immaculate Heart WILL triumph.”
Then there was one that asked ‘what is there to fix?’
Are we in denial?
How can we fix anything, if we can’t see what is wrong?
I’m not going to make this a discourse about the problems in the Church, and outside it. (that’s a topic for another day!)
We can all agree, that society is on a slippery slope to hell. Regardless of what you think of the Church today, we know that it could have a stronger voice in the world.
Families are struggling, children are leaving the faith, there is no direction to help us stay on the right path, getting our families to heaven. Facebook is ALIVE with questions, questions, and more questions.
Then there is the small remnant, that has become overwhelmed by it all. They are faint of heart, they have all but given up the struggle. They have lost hope. This makes me so sad. Of all the people that could have lost hope, that could have been me. From abuse as a child to a stroke at 26, losing three children from the faith, having three disabled boys and losing our home & business in a devastating fire that left us literally homeless for six months, I COULD HAVE LOST HOPE, but I Put my TRUST in GOD instead.
While all the answers above are wonderful solutions to the confusion today they are only part. There is ONE answer that is most important of all. That is:
We must ALL JOIN together and become a strong force against the growing darkness. What is destroying the Church today is lukewarmness.
Lukewarmness in priests, in Bishops and laypeople. The lack of devotion in souls is what is killing the life of grace in the world. And we are all witnessing the result.
We are suffering from the collective neglect of devotion in the world. Those of us with the True Faith, that Know our duties, we cannot be satisfied with being average. We must live each day with great love for God. How can we be so lukewarm when sins are crying to heaven for vengeance!
Because we ARE the Church Militant. We are all united through grace to the Church. It is our prayer life, our abandonment of sin, our charity, our gratitude, our zeal that is filling up the gaps in this darkness. God is waiting for us to respond to His grace!
We must ALWAYS have HOPE! Before we can add grace to the world we must get serious about our own spiritual life. We must have such devotion that it overflows our soul into the world around us. First to our family, then our Church, then our community. We cannot be satisfied with mediocre we must be fervently on fire for God and charity for our neighbor.
So HOW do we do this?
Start with these three things:
- Abandonment of sin. That means immodest dress, impurity, complaining, and worry too! Yes! So many of us feel ‘safe’ because we don’t steal murder or lie. That is just the tip of the iceberg! God asked us, “Be Ye Perfect!” If we find ourselves complaining all day on Facebook, how ungrateful are we to God and what He has given to us? This is one of the biggest concerns of Facebook, is all the drama and senseless chatter that takes away from our daily duties. Worry, how many of us lose sleep with worry? How dare we when God takes care of ‘the lilies in the field’. Where is our Trust?
- Fulfilling your Daily Duties according to your state in life. Whatever your state in life is, your duty is to do that the best that you can. Student, wife, husband, religious. God has chosen the ideal life for each of us. (even if we don’t think so). Regardless of how “small”, “Insignifigant” or ‘dull’ our life might feel, doing our best with what we have is all that God asks of us. And for some of us that is a lot!
- Grow in Faith. We cannot expect to expand our love for God if we do not work on growing our own soul. We don’t abandon a garden to the wind and sun without water? Why do we neglect the care of our soul so much? We feed our soul by prayer and study. Not just Sunday Mass, not just morning and evening prayer, but prayer all day. Prayers while your doing the dishes, while your driving the car to lessons, while your preparing supper. Talking to God at every opportunity you have. Telling Him your worries, your frustrations and your concerns. Tapping into the great beyond so that it becomes a daily habit for you. Only then can you have the graces to share with your children, your family and beyond. And study. We cannot begin to take our faith seriously if we don’t understand the truths of the faith. We must study the faith and pray for God to lead us to His truth, so our souls will be enlightened.
Only then will we be fulfilling God’s will and bringing to Him the cooperation He was waiting for to correct the confusion we are in and bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
How are you growing in your faith today? Share with me your struggles and triumphs!
With love,
Rita Xo 🙂
©Copyright 2014 Rita Davidson All Rights Reserved.
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!
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