
What’s your excuse?

What’s your Excuse?

by Rita Davidson

I have this inner urge to help Catholic women understand that they can wear skirts for EVERYTHING. I don’t know why God put that urge in my gut, but when I see Catholic women making excuses why they can’t wear SKIRTS (thank you Theresa!) , it makes me want to prove it, so she realizes how narrow her thinking is. Then I found this:


These Cholita’s do everything in their Traditional Skirt which is a dress. Very colorful too! From Bolivia, they were once considered the ‘underdog’ in that country and are now being accepted. These Cholita women have taken it upon themselves to climb 8 MOUNTAINS. Yes, IN A DRESS, (skirt to be exact). I’ve heard they wrestle in a skirt too.

Of all the things that need to be done in our lives, mountain climbing has got to be the most grueling to do with or without a skirt. I often see women saying, “I can’t wear a skirt I am _____________” (fill in the blank).  But really they are just hiding behind that excuse, not realizing when you really put your MIND to something you will FIND A WAY to do it.

I hope this will give you that last push you need to pack up your pants? I’m here to show you what Real Catholic modesty is. It doesn’t have to be flouncy skirts and pastel dresses for dainty women. Whatever you wrongly “THINK” it is that is keeping you from it I’m here to show you different. It can be vibrant and beautiful clothing too for women that live hard!

Post below your thoughts, and your excuses, and if you haven’t grabbed a copy of my book, “Immodesty, Satans Virtue”, grab it HERE at the sale price, before it starts shipping!

With love,

Rita 🙂


12717618_955329111214575_1556987311828504946_nRita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys.  Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro with a degree in Natural Health who enjoys essential oils. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their crosses with Joy!
©Copyright 2016  Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press  All Rights Reserved.




4 responses to “What’s your excuse?”

  1. Theresa Rowinski Avatar
    Theresa Rowinski

    Great and encouraging article, Rita! I am wearing a skirt today, and yesterday as well, to the March for Life in Ottawa…it was very sad too see how many of our Catholic young ( and not so young!) ladies were dressed!
    Rita, please make a correction on line 3 of your post, change “pants” to “skirts” ..thanks and God bless!

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      Yay Theresa!!!
      Ohhh I’m SOOO happy to hear your at a Pro Life March in a skirt!!!! Our Prolife work HAS to change with all the immodesty at the Marches. God will NOT bless those marches until modesty returns!
      And correction NOTED thank YOU! 🙂
      God bless you!
      Rita 🙂
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” saved from the ashes, returning SOON! 🙂

  2. Ken Aydlott Avatar
    Ken Aydlott

    This is the one my wife needs cuz she thinks she has to have pants for certain tasks.

    1. Rita Davidson Avatar
      Rita Davidson

      awww Yes! So many women have lost the ability to do chores and activities in pants…Women have worn skirts for 2000 years and did everything and more than we ever do now! It’s amazing how much we have lost when we’ve been brainwashed that you ‘can’t do that in a skirt!”

      God bless you and Enjoy our 30 day study!! your book is shipping shortly FINALLY!
      May God forgive my delays. 🙂
      Author of the bestselling, “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue”(2001) saved from the ashes is SHIPPING!

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