Where have all the children gone?
By Rita Davidson
I feel the wind on my face. I hear the breeze through the trees. I’ve since taught Liam that God is on the wind. Now each time we hear and feel the wind, we think of Him who made us. Little children have such wonder.
The sun is shining so beautifully. Why is it always so late in the summer before the “perfect” weather appears. LOL Likely God planned it that way so we would appreciate it more. J
I have little to complain about. This being our first summer after our fire and I have all my boys here thankfully. Thank you, thank you God. Did I say thank you? The smell of the sun is on my face and I thank God for such a lovely, perfect day.
But where have all the children gone? We are sitting at the park on the first day of school. Those swings are swinging without the laughter of children, just blowing in the wind. The sun is shining not on glowing red cheeks but on an empty playground.
The children are gone to school!
Today was a busy day with appointments so I decided today we would have our first day of HOMEschool at the park. Just packed up our school books, and kept it simple. A chalkboard for Liam, some new colors and a coloring book. Audio stories on iPod for everyone.
It turned out to be extra lovely day. I think we got more done at the park then at home!
Of course the boys had the joy of being able to run and play right in front of them. LOL
But where have all the Children gone?
Showing up here today was a shock. This normally busy park was left behind. Government schools draw children in droves on the first day of school. They go in wide-eyed and so eager to learn. They are so excited to explore but in time come out talking and looking like copies of each other.
There is an unfortunate absorbing of minds because children have to behave in a classroom. Let’s assume it’s all for good; when children ask questions out of place, they have to be taught to raise a hand. Having 20 children in a room asking all different questions would be a zoo. So, the controlled hand-up, and wait is taught early on. Herd control.
The first instinct of learning is crushed. That wide-eyed optimism gets blunted by having to wait. Add more years to this and now you have dissenting views crushed for the good of the classroom too.
All while freedoms in vice is taught so loosely, it is like a school of Sodom. These unknowing children are being taught that it’s “all about them”. It’s all about their feelings, their ego and their confidence, not about their salvation, their souls, their eternity.
Enter high school and you now have children with no moral restraint yet no understanding of responsibility. These are the children who have left the park to enter a government school.
Who is to blame for this? Is it the kids who have been taught it’s all about them? Or the parents that were taught it’s all about them? Or the government who has forced them to believe there is no God, it’s good for one it’s good for all.
Who is going to pick up the pieces after this generation falls apart. This generation that will be helping our society fall apart when they are in control and you and I are old. I am sad that society has fallen for the lies of the world. In a world that has so much to offer. For this beautiful world that God has given us if only we love Him enough.
“LOVE is the only sign that distinguishes the children of God from the children of the devil”, says St. Augustine.
So what is your Home-school accomplishing this year?
- Training your children in LOVE.
- Not just a “love-your-neighbor-type-of-fuzzy- love”.
- But a BURNING LOVE of God to combat the hatred of God today.
- And a true LOVE of God’s laws to combat the lax morals today.
- A zealous LOVE of His Sacrifice and love for us.
We cannot be satisfied with the lukewarm Catholics we see today. Who are just as satisfied with passing by the needs of their suffering brothers as much as putting on immodest attire for Church. They who care less about what the Church says, as long as it doesn’t interferes with their Sunday plans.
What this world needs today is SAINTS. Moms and dads, it is up to you to bring up your children as Happy, God-loving saints! Bravo to all you brave home-schooling moms!
Because just when you were ready to throw in the towel, you realize you are Gods plan for saving this moral torn world and filling up those lonely parks with your fruitfulness. And heaven with it’s reward.
Always love to hear from you, so please share YOUR comments too! J
With much love,
Rita Xo🙂
©Copyright 2014 Rita Davidson All Rights Reserved.
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!
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