Wishing you all A Blessed Christmas & Happy New Year!


Wishing you all a Blessed Christmas & Happy New Year!

By Rita Davidson


We can’t say “Merry Christmas” is late, since as Catholics we celebrate this season until February! So I COULD have waited until February, (LOL) but figured I better not or I’ll really be feeding my procrastination habit. 🙂

If you haven’t kept up with us on my Facebook page, you have missed a TON of news…well just enough news that I couldn’t post about it fast enough here. Whew I need a breathe!

So this is Highlights to our exciting news:

November 1 – 30th, 2014: We started moving our first load Nov 1st, Feast of all Saints, and by Nov. 2nd, Feast of All Souls, we had moved our beds so were “officially” sleeping at the new house. Yay! Isn’t God so great? But this was just the START of moving!

2014-11-02 16_opt

We were moving with only mini-vans and a trailer. Our friends didn’t want to see us wait A DAY longer. (awww so thankful for caring friends!) so we moved WITHOUT moving our phone, or mail or anything. It took the entire month of November to move since it was a 45 minute drive One-way. We could only move one load a day, on weekends, when our friends were not working.

In between moves, we set up beds, went back to clean our trailer, sorted our donation trailer, celebrated a birthday for Mark, set up our dining room and realized we couldn’t unpack books or clothes without bookcases or dressers that we didn’t have. *sigh – we are still trying to collect what we are missing.


Back up to Oct 16th,2014 when we heard a “rumor” that someone might be “giving” us a van!! Now in November, plans were made to get this done. This included much more than we guessed! So during November we had to make a few trips into town. For a PHOTO SHOOT with our family, and to FILM A COMMERCIAL with our family accepting the van. This was pretty exciting! So we had an un-packed house, while having to make trips for a photo shoot and filming. FUN Distraction! LOL 🙂

Nov. 24th, 2014 was a special day that was 70F and sunny, (A miracle in Canada!) I used it to plant the heirloom rose (St Therese’s Rosebush) and the family lilac tree that we fought to get out of the ground at our property. Those were the last ties with our home of over 10 years and God gave me this day to plant them. I felt such peace.

Now that the filming was done, the last week of November was spent frantically trying to unpack our guest room We had company arriving early December! Even with the filming done, we weren’t allowed to speak ANYTHING of the commercial since it was a secret! Ohh that was HARD! 🙂  But they delivered our NEW 2010 Grand Caravan to us on December 28th! So exciting!


JonathanBoddenSensSo thankful to Jonathan Bodden, Director of Sens Foundation and Brad Weir delivering our van!

LookinginVanPriceless, they couldn’t help to look inside! LOL

Dec. 2014 arrived starting with Andrew’s birthday, his favorite. 🙂

The first week of December was taken up with company and some stomach bugs in the house. We were thankful for our essential oils to keep our company from catching anything from us.

December 11th, 2014 was our BIG UNVEIL DAY!!! Ohhh we had waited SO long for this day! We were treated to our FIRST Hockey game! Thanks to the Ottawa Senators who in partnership with the Max Keeping Foundation and CarStar all worked together to get us this van!!


It started out with the boys getting Ottawa Senators Jerseys, then a private entrance for them to the noisy arena. Very thankful for our boys with autism.We had another photo shoot up in a private booth, (we are waiting to get our pictures to share with you!) and then were escorted down to the “best-seats-in-the-house” for popcorn, ear plugs and drinks!


THEN to see the boys excitement to see THEMSELVES on the BIG JUMBOTRON, our “Commercial” was unveiled at the HOCKEY GAME in front of 18,000 people!!!!


liamjumbotronAww now he is CUTE!


Wow, I was never so huge! LOL

HERE is the TRAILER – I neglected to put up before- Can you spot LIAM?! 🙂


After this excitement wore off, just a week before Christmas we started our bathroom renovation. We needed a bathroom so my mother could visit for Christmas! What could have been so easy; was complicated by very difficult plumbing. But we were thankful to get our toilet in just on time for Christmas Eve.


Christmas Eve, we picked up my mother who hasn’t been able to visit or stay with us since our fire, nearly 18 months ago now! She has really suffered the most since our fire. We ended up having to return her home early since we had no shower for her. 🙁

Christmas day was quiet and tried to make it happy. A new home that we were grateful for, enough toys for them to make it seem like Christmas. Joseph cried most of the day, saying “Joseph have a bath, Joseph house burned down” over and over, most of the day. It was a somber reminder of all we’ve been through and how this time last Christmas we didn’t even have a home. #thankful

Please continue to support us to help us rebuild LFFA for you in 2015 – www.davidsonfamilytrust.com


Onward 2015: Now is the time to be grateful. As much as sadness rears it’s ugly head in our lives, I am reminded we have HOPE knowing how far God has gotten us. There is never a tragedy that God can’t fix. Some families suffered loss this year, some deaths, another family was burned out of their home. There is never an end to the crosses that God sends, but there is NEVER an end to the blessings and strength He sends either. Just LOOK at our AMAZING DINING ROOM?? Bleached Oak, handmade set, hasn’t God given us His BEST?


So whatever your suffering this year, rest assured there is HOPE for another day. We are PROOF of that if anything. God sees your pain. Remember, All things work out for good for those that LOVE HIM.

Resolve this NEW YEAR, to LOVE HIM MORE.

Merry Christmas and HAPPY New Year!

With love,

Rita xo 🙂

©Copyright 2015 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.

IMG_0905Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!


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