I wore pants for the FIRST time in 18 years – it ain’t pretty
By Rita Davidson
GASP! “WHAT?” Your all saying, “Rita wore PANTS?”
Well as many of you know I STOPPED wearing pants before I wrote my book, ‘Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue’ in 1998. That is 18 LONG years or 6570 DAYS of wearing SKIRTS! Whew!
So WHAT would make me wear PANTS after all these years?
I told you it ain’t pretty. I Joined the T-tapp Challenge!
Ever wake up one day and realize if you don’t DO something no one else will? Well that was me.
I’ve been plus size most of my life and I always knew I didn’t want to be, but no matter what I did nothing changed in my size, that is until I found T-tapp in 2012. Back then I was a size 24 and was willing to try ANYTHING. With anorexia as a teen scared me from EVER wanting to diet again, but I always wanted to be healthy.
When I started T-tapp it opened up some health issues I didn’t know I had, such as buried anxiety that got released after I started and adrenal issues that I soon discovered gave me an adrenal crash. I went from size 24 to 20-22 back then and I was a believer. J (Haha well you know what I mean).
After our house fire in 2013, there wasn’t much I could do except all the sneaky fit moves Teresa has shared. (moves you can do all day while doing dishes, shopping, driving). I slowly rebuilt my T-tapp library of DVD’s thanks to my T-tapp supporters. But I got off track Lent 2014 after having anxiety start up again.
So when the Challenge 2016 came around I thought THIS would a great way to get me back on track? So I entered Saturday!
Now I am a stubborn SKIRT wearing girl here, so this was a real challenge for me deciding if I COULD enter. You see Teresa Tapp; the founder of T-Tapp needs to see photos of us so she can study if the moves are working. She is a researcher, my kinda gal, and has designed this perfect system of movement to get the maximum effect from the least effort. This Challenge helps her study our body and she can see improvement where we can’t.
Now I have issues (don’t we all?). I have hyper-extensive arms and legs and had rickets as a child so have knock-knees (which is why I LOVE skirts!). But my leg issues give me pain in my knees and lately hip pain too. So after MUCH DELIBERATION with myself, I realized for Teresa to be able to see my leg issues she needed to SEE my legs. If these legs are not fixed could eventually put me in a wheelchair as I age.
I have a BIG responsibility to take care of this temple of the Holy Ghost and to be here for as long as I can for my boys and family.
I have a BIG responsibility to YOU as well, as so many of you have come to depend on me for some clarity that pants are NOT NEEDED. So I didn’t take this lightly. So when it came time to take the pictures for the FIRST time in 18 years, I made some observations, I FELT NAKED.
I mean I REALLY FELT NAKED. It took me DAYS to finally get these on, in a locked room by myself. Lest anyone think I would never wear them. LOL
There is something INTRINSINCLY WRONG if you can wear pants and NOT FEEL NAKED. PANTS are not and SHOULD NOT be natural for women. I kid you NOT; we are giving away the BEST part of who we are by wearing pants. Ultimately it was a real blow to my pride to wear them, and a really good reminder why God placed this message on my heart for all these years.
Funny thing is, you DO NOT NEED pants to DO T-tapp! I do my daily moves ALL in my skirts. It’s the only exercise I have TIME for.
Just 10 MINUTES a day, 3 MOVES – in a skirt!
Now I can DO these moves in a skirt, cause my skirts are wide enough, if you are wearing pencil skirts well it’s not going to work.
I’m NOT a hypocrite. I wrote a book on #realCatholicModesty in 1999 to inspire women to be modest as the Church teaches. I’m not going to pretend that I didn’t wear pants – THAT would make me a LYER.
But I will say if it took me 18 YEARS or 6570 DAYS to find a GOOD reason to wear pants, WHY are you wearing them at all? (I’m ducking; don’t throw plates at me ladies!)
If you don’t understand #realCatholicmodesty, well I guess you’ll have to read my book to find out. 🙂 GRAB a copy HERE.
In the meantime, join me on my Instagram to watch my T-tapp Challenge journey in SKIRTS! It goes until April 23, 2016. Who knows I might even WIN? LOL
If I DO I’ll be in a SKIRT!
With love,
Rita xo 🙂
I did ask for a new Category for us women who wear no pants so maybe we’ll see that in 2017! 🙂
*There are affiliate links in this post. But only products I LOVE!

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