The World, the flesh, and the Devil in Your perfect home
By Rita Davidson
You wake up in the morning and the birds are chirping in the morning air. The children get up and kiss you good morning and make your breakfast. (well, this is kinda fictional so stay with me.) 🙂
Your homeschool day starts easily enough. Books come out, lunch comes around and everyone pitches in to clean up. Your girls (and boys?) are old enough now they can pick up the floors, change the baby and start supper. Life is good.
You sit satisfied and at rest, you have done okay. Your even a “little” smug as you look at another homeschool friend struggling with her wayward children, and automatically think – they must have done ‘something’ wrong, after all, look at mine? My children turned out okay.
A few years pass, then a day hits, and out of the blue your senses are shocked into numbness as your teenager runs way, abandons the faith, or something similar. You cry out to your Facebook friends, “Why, What, How? What will I do? This is too much to bear!”
You see, by now it is too late.
The devil has sprung the trap. He was planning it all along, as your little one cried it’s first cry. He set it many years ago when each of your children began to crawl. He plotted and planned for your children’s destruction and you didn’t see it.
All those years of patience and well behaved children, you never thought about praying for your own children. You bought into the devils’ lie, “he can’t touch my children, we go to Mass and the Sacraments . We have protection. Surely?” You never seen the need to pray for your perfect children. I mean they really were perfect when young. You sat in silence as your friends children fell into trouble, never thinking this might one day hit your family.
In the self-assurance (that can only come from being naive) you basked in your children’s accomplishments each passing year, never seeing the future that was looming for them. When reality hit full force you are brought to your knees by the sheer weight of it. The pain takes your breath away and sends you to the foot of the cross.
How do I know this? Well I have been there too. The world, the flesh and the devil.
I did not pray for my children while they were growing up. I didn’t store up graces for them in heaven for that future day. We cannot possibly know the dangers coming up if we’ve never encountered them. I’m here to save you from that pain, hopefully.
The devil puts his bets on our inexperience about our faith and human nature. And shows how much he desires our children by his desperation. As much as God loved us from the cross, and stretched out His hand to us, the devil plots and strategizes from his place in hell. He knows if he waits, and waits. (he is ever so patient) he has a good chance of springing that trap later.
So what do we do? Our family is now broken, how will it ever be healed?
Make no mistake God has planned for even this change of direction. He knows how gullible we were and how much we need His grace. He looks down on us, like a dotting Father looks at His children mistakes.
He knows this change in direction in our life, will bring us to the cross where we will find the graces we need. He knows now this pain, will give us a wisdom we didn’t have before. He knows this pain, will sharpen our vision, from the dull view we had before. It was all God’s will to begin with. All things work for good for those that love Him. Make no mistake, He has not given up on our children. But now He asks our cooperation to bring them back.
Here are 3 tips to remember:
- 1. Pray for your children, every single day, from their day of birth (even from when you find out you are expecting!) for the graces they will need to find and keep the True faith.
- 2. Bless your children every night on the forehead, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
- Do not give up on your lost children, if you have read this too late. God has a plan to save them. TRUST in HIM now, and pray all the more.
Now the real work begins…the work of redemption. Your struggle will make all the difference!
St. Michael, defend us in this day of battle!
With love,
Rita Xo 🙂
PS. Here is a prayer you can say for your children everyday.
©Copyright 2014 Rita Davidson All Rights Reserved.
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!
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