I’m SLOWLY getting back up to speed …as you can see. Last week after my first post, wouldn’t you know, it my website STOPPED working….YUP…. couldn’t upload any images or anything for ya’. Now I might say that was mighty irritating….but only to be expected when the devil realizes he didn’t keep me down again… haha 🙂 Thankfully my trusty assistant who troubleshooted this and got it all fixed for me. Thanks Jean <3
I’ve been posting for years on my social media asking for prayer intentions…. Of course I slacked off after I became ill last year…though I didn’t forget about you…. but am back to praying. Now you might not have known but I pray for all you readers here too! You just didn’t know it. heehee
So here is one of my last posts (sshhhhh we didn’t take the tree down yet ????) sure going to miss that glowwww ? PRAYING here ! ???????#prayingforyou #prayer #rosarytime #rosary #thisworldneedsprayer #prayersolveseverything
Rest assured how grateful we are for YOU and your needs are remembered in my prayers…I only hope it helps.
Feel free to post your intentions here, as others will pray for you too!
Until next time
With MUCH love,
Rita xxo 🙂
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Author, of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue” (2001) and speaker, she has a PASSION for making #realcatholicmodesty understood. She is a licensed Hairdresser, and Make Up Pro, Certified Christian Image Stylist. With a degree in Natural Health she enjoys essential oils & Jamberry Nail Wraps. She enjoys making people smile and sharing God’s love with anyone who will listen. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, they lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by finding the #realcatholicbeauty in their lives by carrying their cross with JOY!
©Copyright 2018 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.
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