When you feel just like a Puddle
by August, Andrew and Rita Davidson
SPRING, SPRING! Oh the dripping, dripping! Even though we are still in lent, the first signs of spring brings with it hope. Hope for a new start. Hope that God will finally hear our intentions and prayers. There is just something about the new fresh air that sings of God’s promise to us. What could happen if God FINALLY answered our prayers?!
Well THIS is what our backyard looked like this week. Kinda how we feel sometimes eh? Like a puddle…
You wouldn’t think THIS is HOPE? LOL Quite the PUDDLE I would say. 🙂 But then THIS APPEARED to come out of our yard……
Day of the Zombies? or Adam rising from the earth? Hmmmm
They MEET... This was one of August’s snow creations. The MAN.
Then Andrew got in on the game. And of course, what did he “discover” in the snow?
OH THOMAS you came to visit! 🙂
Oh Andrew and Thomas, best buddies! 🙂 Andrew’s snow creation.
Then the BABY came……
YES, THAT Baby….YES! August made the Nativity for me
Look at that Blessed FOOT! Can’t you just grab It?
He is REACHING out for you and me. Will you pick Him up? Imagine His weight in your arms? What joy our hearts would have?
Sometimes we all just feel like a PUDDLE. Just not much to work with, a failure, tired, worn out. But God loves all His little puddles…you and me…And the secret is if we just LET HIM work with us, Let HIM MOLD US…Look at the AMAZING Creation He can make out of us – the PUDDLE?! 🙂
So, LET HIM do HIS work in YOU today! and BASK in His Graces!
With Love,
Rita 🙂
I couldn’t let this post go without a pic from Liam…his drawing is getting pretty good, don’t you think? 🙂 He took this picture for me to share for you. (Yes, he’s good with a camera too!) 🙂 And a BIG THANK you to my talented boys for letting me share their creations. 🙂
How will you let GOD do HIS work in you today? Share with me! 🙂
©Copyright 2015 Rita Davidson & Little Flowers Family Press All Rights Reserved.
Rita is a Catholic wife, and mother of seven, with three autistic boys. Currently a writer, & published author, she is a former hairdresser, professional make up artist with a degree in Natural Health. She is now a Young Living Distributor. After overcoming a stroke, disabilities, and more, they recently lost everything in a devastating house fire that made them homeless for six months. She is determined to lead souls back to Christ by carrying their crosses with Joy!
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